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._. beat DMC3 Heaven Or Hell twice
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i was 13
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Princess mononoke, Inuyasha, Trigun, Gravitation, Gundam wing, G-Gundam, Chobits, X-1999, Love hina, Fullmetal alchemist, Ghost in the shell stand alone complex, Ghost in the shell stand alone complex second GIG, Yu Yu hakusho, Naruto, Glaerians: Rion..(t
Figure out why i was picked for the theory experiments
Drawing, Playing games, Listening to music
swordmaster skills, and i can be a really great listener if you need me to be
| vince demonhunter
Saturday, June 30, 2007
NO F***ING SHIT LADY DOES IT SOUND LIKE IM ORDERING A PIZZA?!!! ~ Random quote from a vid a friend made.
Well yesterday was fun as hell ^_^, neko helped me get enough gold for the demonic anklets, morgan came over and we started playing Mortal Combat: Shaolin monks, co-op, and were still stuck at the final 3 bosses, though were getting better at the game, though before wed just get pissed off at the 3 people and stop thinking clearly and get our asses handed to us on a silver platter @_@ so after we got ticked we TRIED fatal frame......but the music drove us outta that idea so we went to Naruto: Ultimate Ninja 2, andi foundout morgan likes kisami......and he loses just as badly as he did when he played as zabuza XDDDDD, i even kicked kasamis ass as itachi :P thats bad, heck i beat morgan all 165 rounds, woulda been 166 but he FINALLY beat me as Ino :P XDDDDDDDD
Anyways after we got bored with the games, we took my old bbgun outside and we set up a nice shooting range with some old Dr.Pepper and sierramist cans that were in my room, then we took a box that my new keyboard came in, took the box inside it and rigged it up so wed have 2 levels, then we set a can ontop. during that lil shooting thing, morgan couldnt hit the long off targets except for the box, me.....heh.....i hit all 4 far off cans, EVEN the one hed been trying for at the very start, and he said if i got his target, hed beat the hell outta me O_@. and i kinda got his target can, so now today if he can come over, were gonna put up the range again, and were gonna have more targets, even my old crapy edin drawing is gonna be in it.
Edin~ GEE THANKS TT-TT *runs off to tasuke*
Me~ .___. i said the bad one you idiot...
Edin~ .....ouuuuu ^^;;;; eheh heh.....
Me~ *looks over at sierra* really hit him to many times in the head
Hiraka~ He asked for it
Anyways, i made the guy who FINALLY falls for vanessa, being the one blue scared doesnt love her, hes part of the family who nearly killed her. i'll put his pic up tomarow, i woulda put it up tonight but the markers are getting to me and i feel like im getting high as hell @@.
Anyways i guess thats all, and now for some pics ^__^.

Those were all my favorite Pics of Logan from X-MEN ^___^
And thats all i got, SEEYA!!!!!! and yea im still praying, though my dad is still clueless :P later
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