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._. beat DMC3 Heaven Or Hell twice
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i was 13
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Princess mononoke, Inuyasha, Trigun, Gravitation, Gundam wing, G-Gundam, Chobits, X-1999, Love hina, Fullmetal alchemist, Ghost in the shell stand alone complex, Ghost in the shell stand alone complex second GIG, Yu Yu hakusho, Naruto, Glaerians: Rion..(t
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| vince demonhunter
Monday, July 2, 2007
Pics mostly ^^;;
D;HOU!!!!!!!!~ Me and Glenn just moments ago trying to make lunch.
Well we finally got a name for lumina and lunars child, hes hasayo ^^.
Jase~ ........................
Me~ Deal with it, lumina had him you cant do a thing about it.
Jase~ ......*burries hasayo* ^-^++++
Me~ .__.;;;;;; luminas not gonna like this
Ronny~ OxO MY LIL BROTHER!!!!!! DAAAAAAAAAD!!!! *unburries hasayo*
Hasayo~ *crying his eyes out*
Anyways, after saturdays thing with lyndsi critisizeing kirbys art and me telling her off, lyndsi refuses to speak to me, yet she let me keep the necklace, so she cant be to mad...((DAMNIT!!!!!!)) but she had no right to say what she did. kirby does ALL of the body, not just the upper half head shots or stuff like that. Lyndsi cuts things out...well so do i, but i dont like to draw feet ^^;;;;;;
Off of that topic, yesterday, i spent most of the time watching tv. a ton of redneck movies XDDD mainly the blue collar boys in Blue Collar Comedy Tour: The Movie and Joe Dirt. me and morgan are offically rednecks ^____^ which might be why no one likes to try dateing me .__.;;;; idk but wtv, doesnt matter, im waiting til i move to get a GF ^-^
now that i got nothing else here are some pics ^^.

OwO dude, we could use this guy for someone in our RP OwO *aimed at kirby*

if this ever happend, id die, so would blue....and everyone else. no its not yaoi, its just what should of happend at the end of DMC3, instead of vergil staying in demon world he should of turned good and helped dante

and thats all i go-- OH YEEEEEA!!!!!! Cherri also has a new "Mission" being shes alive again, she has to look after yakura so he doesnt accidently kill someone.....and help him keep the strength lisa raziel passed to him. though thats whats gonna make him one of the new 4 sanin...or whatever their called..yamora jolt and some girl are gonna be the others. now thats all i got, SEEYA!!!! *prays before falling asleep on couch* zzzzzz
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