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._. beat DMC3 Heaven Or Hell twice
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| vince demonhunter
Monday, July 9, 2007
Yay pics, and someting random as hell XDDD
Okay this is a convo i had with my friend scorch, we were thinking of ways to kill our other friends nightmare, medusa, or the edited version orochimaru.
scorchbird1234 (7/5/2007 7:03:44 PM): Who shall I kill next
scorchbird1234 (7/5/2007 7:03:44 PM): ????
Nafunu Berner (7/5/2007 7:04:22 PM): medusa? ._.
scorchbird1234 (7/5/2007 7:05:05 PM): Ok than *writes Medusa's name in Death note*
Nafunu Berner (7/5/2007 7:05:57 PM): lets hope it worked =D
scorchbird1234 (7/5/2007 7:07:07 PM): *a few days later and nothin happens* Damn I guess she is so evil that the DEATH NOTE didn't evenaffect her
Nafunu Berner (7/5/2007 7:08:09 PM): OwO I KNOW *holds a full body mirror infront of her* *mirrior shatters* .__________.;;;;;;;;;.......
scorchbird1234 (7/5/2007 7:09:07 PM): *scythe shatters* NOOOOO oh right it'll comeback
Nafunu Berner (7/5/2007 7:10:13 PM): *chucks soul reaver at her* soul reaver: OxO *shrinks and runs off yelping* me: ._________.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
Nafunu Berner (7/5/2007 7:10:30 PM):
scorchbird1234 (7/5/2007 7:11:13 PM): holy crap *throws holy water on her*......*holy water catches fire*
Nafunu Berner (7/5/2007 7:11:56 PM): ._______.;;;;;;;;.....well this sucks......KISS HER KAIN!!!!! kain: O_o;;;; *commits suicide*
scorchbird1234 (7/5/2007 7:15:53 PM): LMAO I LOVE THAT vid!!!I'm suprised we haven't shattered,burned,or commited suicide yet.*summons Vortex again* *Vortex sucks her in but immediatelly reverses and blows her back out*
Nafunu Berner (7/5/2007 7:17:04 PM): *gets a machine gun full of holy bullets* DIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIE!!!!!! *all the bullets detour and hit something else*
scorchbird1234 (7/5/2007 7:19:18 PM): *pulls the moon down and tries to smash her*The moon shatters as soon as it touches her* WTF!!
Nafunu Berner (7/5/2007 7:20:19 PM): O_o;;;;......*tries to throw her into the sun* *but rocket rusts and engines blow up* O_o;;;;;.....DAMN!!!!!!
scorchbird1234 (7/5/2007 7:22:51 PM): *pours acid on her but acid gos up instead*
Nafunu Berner (7/5/2007 7:23:36 PM): O_o;;;;.....*tries rasengan on her but it breaks appart before touching her* O_o;;;;;....son of a bitch....
scorchbird1234 (7/5/2007 7:25:22 PM): How the hell do we kill her
Nafunu Berner (7/5/2007 7:25:49 PM): ummmmm.....frankenstine? frankenstine: O_O *kills himself*
scorchbird1234 (7/5/2007 7:27:01 PM): OO Zombies *summons zombies* *all of them comeback to life and run away*
Nafunu Berner (7/5/2007 7:27:41 PM): O_o;;;;;;..RAZIEL!!!!!! raziel: O_________O!!!!!!!! *flees to a pit of acid*
scorchbird1234 (7/5/2007 7:31:05 PM): Ahh crap *puts Medusa in a pot and tries to boil her* Water freezes*
Nafunu Berner (7/5/2007 7:35:55 PM): ._____. .....*gets flame thrower and fire turns to ice* >_< DAMNIT!!!!!
scorchbird1234 (7/5/2007 7:37:16 PM): Takes shard of ice and stabs her but it turns into fire and burns my hand* OWWWW
Nafunu Berner (7/5/2007 7:40:09 PM): ._. that wasent to smart....*gets bazooka* >=D HAHAHAHAHAHAH DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE!!!!!! *shell takes off in the other diretion* ._____.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
scorchbird1234 (7/5/2007 7:42:02 PM): *get's car and tries to run her over but car loses control and explodes*
Nafunu Berner (7/5/2007 7:43:20 PM): *chucks like 50 tankers at her but all of them explode in midair*
scorchbird1234 (7/5/2007 7:45:20 PM): Throws
scorchbird1234 (7/5/2007 7:45:30 PM): Shurikens at her but they all shatter*
Nafunu Berner (7/5/2007 7:48:26 PM): O_o;;......*douses them in holy water and throws all the shards*
scorchbird1234 (7/5/2007 7:48:59 PM): I hope it works
Nafunu Berner (7/5/2007 7:52:39 PM): *shards become smaller* ._.;;;;;;
scorchbird1234 (7/5/2007 7:53:56 PM): Dammit *throws giant building on her* *the building shatters before it even hits the ground*
Then here are some pics, the first one is of another personal version of tamera, well the first 2 are tamera ^.^

Then this girl is Shizuka, glenn and azus 5th child, who if she looks at you with her left eye, you die....very very quickly and very very bloody.

and here are a couple pics of sky, first one is human and the second is with her wolf tail showing.

And thats all i got, SE---
Yuki~ T.T what ever happened to the random stuffies?
Me~ Like i told kirby im running out of randomness, probably when we get to the 5th saga on yahoo that'll be it.....
Glenn~ OxO;;;; NUUUUUUU!!!!!! WHHHHHHHHHHHHHY?!!!!!!!!
Me~ just look at sagas 1 and 2, there was barely anything related to naruto except the people, saga 3 and 4 we stuck to the main line so much its just ....there.
Glenn~ TT.TT then dont follow naruto in the 5th saga, do it how you did the first saga the rest of the time TT.TT
Me~ .....Maybe........alright......maybe.....
Glenn~ TT.TT and before we go im gonna add my own pics.

and i guess thats it, SEEYA!!!
Glenn~ O.O WAAAAAAAAAAIT i gots an idea, for the 5th saga, make the kids for naruto, but take them all to a diffrent world like spira, your good with that dad =DD
Me~ OwO GLENN YOUR A F***ING GENIOUS!!!! *hugs glenn kisses his head and runs off to room to brain storm*
Glenn~ .____.;;;; holy shit.....was that really my dad? ._.
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