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._. beat DMC3 Heaven Or Hell twice
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| vince demonhunter
Monday, July 16, 2007
Well yesterday was bad. my dad did the most stupid of things..he was shooting a ground squirrel, he got it....but when the gun recoiled he somehow got his hand cut open. we still dont know how in the hell it happened. he didnt think there was much blood until he got to the bathroom and started to wash it. and because hes on blood thinners he wouldnt stop bleeding. we got to the hospital in pana and all they did was soak his hand to make it stop bleeding. but its pana they didnt really give a damn -_-. anyways they FINALLY transfered him to the springfeild hospital, there we met the plastic sugon who i swear looked like jonathan drake, a kid who graduated last year. anyways he patched up my dad.....once they got the bleeding stoped and he got to come home today. though now for the next week ima be doing the dishes, landruy, cooking(which will probably kill him if jan is serious) mowing the lawn and whatever else my dad does normally. dishes wont be a problem cuz i only really eat supper, and even then its not all that much. landruy wont be a problem either. then cooking....thats gonna be a bitch.....and also this lil ordeal got my dad jan and her daughter to get on my case for getting my drivers license again. -____- WHAT DONT THEY GET?!!!!!! I DONT WANT THE F***ING THING!!!!!! -__- though if im going to move im gonna have to get it. annnnnnd i dont think im gonna be allowed to move to texas.......jans talked my dad outta letting me leave. -____- f***ing bitch needs to rot in hell...she just doesnt want me to leave cuz then shed have no one to bitch at. anyways here are some pics.
The first one is Hanabis Granddaughter Hoshi Hyuuga, shes Ichi Hyuugas daughter. Ichi being Hanabis first son. Hatachi was Hanabis second son who went evil and got killed. Gala was Hanabis only daughter, who is like Miranda Feild, she'll be around forever. anyways before i put up the pic of Hoshi, heres the story for Hanabi and her kids. At one point Hanabi DID have a guy who she thought loved her dearly, but all he really wanted was a 1 night fling....which ended up with hanabi getting pregnant with gala(the oldest child) then the same guy knocked her up again resulting in Ichi and Hatachi...but when he found out she was gonna have 2 more, he split and left hanabi to raise the 3 of them on her own. Then a few years later Hanabi finds yet another guy, who seems to truely love her....but yet again 1 night ends up with her knocked up again....and the guy finds out and splits just like the first one. so at this point Hanabi thinks no one loves her. Though norio ichidra ran into her, and almost instantly fell in love with her. and hes not like the other 2, he really does love her. eventually they will hook up. and they'll raise the 4th child together. anyways heres Hoshi, btw she becomes an anbu black op eventually.

Then next up is Tina and Feis brat. not much here really.

Then heres kira, dont ask about the other marks aside from the green ones.

anyways thats all i really got. SEEYA!!
Oh yea, Inazuma isnt with thorn anymore, thats gonna be a kid in the 5th saga ^.^ Inauma is with Ray now ^^.

LATER!! btw i wont be posting much anymore cuz im running outta stuff.
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