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._. beat DMC3 Heaven Or Hell twice
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i was 13
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Princess mononoke, Inuyasha, Trigun, Gravitation, Gundam wing, G-Gundam, Chobits, X-1999, Love hina, Fullmetal alchemist, Ghost in the shell stand alone complex, Ghost in the shell stand alone complex second GIG, Yu Yu hakusho, Naruto, Glaerians: Rion..(t
Figure out why i was picked for the theory experiments
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swordmaster skills, and i can be a really great listener if you need me to be
| vince demonhunter
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
O______O NO WAY IN HELL!!!!!!!
Ride Together, Die Together, Bad Boys For Life~ Me and Morgan, 9th grade, first day our first fight with preps getting susupended
Well i got to go to the dentist tomarow TT.TT NUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!! i like the people there, its just that glenn spazes when he sees those sharp pointy things they put in your mouth. then that makes me tense up, which then makes me irritable and finally pissed when they DO find a sore spot TT.TT so i'll try drawing the whole time. i swear, glenns the strongest of my selfs yet he hates needles. eh i guess i'll put up my selfs now, though i did it a lil while back, here they are:
1. Glenn
2. Orion
3. Silver
4. Gold
5. Shitai
6. Natsuki
7. Genisis
Thats all of em...i think ._. oh well if it aint then i'll get the ones i left out next time :P
Anyways TTxTT me and my ex are back together..........but the others wont talk to me, except for glenn, he'll still talk to me, though its to remind me how bad of a mistake i made. if i had to pick between her and pick jade so fast anyones head would spin. that ANNNNND my ex is going to forbid me from RPing when im at home....what kind of BS is that?!!!!!! i can understand it if we talked online and she said that, but we dont, we only talk when were in public together. im so just thinking of droping it all. oh well.
Anyways i tried another pic of jade, kinda messed up the hair and tail. but wtv, im still working with it, this is just the basic outline for now.

then this is Himitsu, at age 15 she leaves NOTHING to the imageination, its all there :P

And im MIGHT try editing this pic on my own, it would be a first. though i wont say to look like who yet :P

And i think thats all i got. oh yea, i'll try drawing up maria later so quinn knows what she looks like and kirby knows who shes RPing as :P.
And thats all i got, SEEYA!!!!
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