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| vince demonhunter
Sunday, September 2, 2007
*sighs* TT-TT chuuuuuuuuuu
Okay, i offically admit, it hopeless, im never going to be able to tell the girl i like how i feel about her. i got no backbone, i have no nerve....guts anything, HELL i got no self confidence.....though 1 of my friends thought id be a great, person to be with the girl.......
The reasons i like her is cuz shes one of the few friends who actually gives a damn about me when im hurt, physicaly an emotionaly......heck she even tries to help me get over the stuff that makes me wanna just say screw it all.
Haveing someone who actually cared about really like that....though....*sighs* sorry for the rant people, heres the real post.
Yesterday, i went to a family reunion thingy for my dads GFs family. morgan went with me so it wasent all that bad. though about halfway through the night, we both got on a giant sugar high an were like our old 15 year old selfs :3 it was fun to relive those days.....though when the low hit it was a damn pain @__@.
Anyways, Jades letting me keep midori. which im happy about :3 and uhhhhh heres a pic of Valors an Rihatsu's daughter(pardon the bad spelling on her name)

Heres the story on how Valor an Rihatsu met too.
After all the events in Winhill, aka ella being killed, Naomi and all the others, his sons being split up, and all that, Valor somehow ends up in the mist village, where he meets Rihatsu, though theres a giant age gap. though valor looks 19 the same as Rihatsu, they both fall into a deeper love than valor an ella had been. Rihatsu an Valor eventually get to the point that makes the relationship final, and have a daughter, Nina whos like her mother.....just with fangs an claws. though at one point Valors called back into the demon world, leaveing Rihatsu to raise Nina alone. though weeks after valors called back, Ninas kidnapped, and never seen again. though shes frozen at the age of 12, so when she reappears both her parents are dead, that an her clothes are missing when amaya finds her. and thats all im putting up for this.
And thats all i got, an hopefully i can get the nerve to tell this girl, seeya
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