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myOtaku.com: vince demonhunter

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Only one more final ^________^
Like the title says, ONLY ONE MORE FINAL THEN IM DONE WITH SCHOOL FOR A WHILE ^_______^;;;;. yea i know its just a break but damn it i need it, hell we all do. morgans about to kill both jimmies. im about to kill mrs. gillet..((aka mrs.bitch)) and lyndsi. and heck it'll be nice to finally get away from everyone for a few days. though next semester morgan wont be in the same P.E. class as me thanks to jimmy cohan. THANKS FATASS PRICK!!!!!! *kills jimmy* anyways today i only had one exam, that was math. did fine in it i think, after that me and morgan went up to citgo ((the hang out for during exam days)) and got breakfast which included french vanilla coffee and chips and ummmmm slimjims. stayed up there for a while, though we got tired of seeing bushes face on tv. then hoyt came in ((his real name is steven)) we sat around and talked about cars for a bit then me morgan went over to hoyts house. i was around long enough to watch part of a movie then let glenn have fun with medal of honnor, riseing sun. he really sucks at war games, thank god hoyt and morgan didnt notice the change in additude ^_^;;;;;. we were there till morgan and hoyt had to go back for 4th period the last class/exam for today. and thats about it.
This is for kirby only: Okay need to explaine a couple things to ya kirby ^^;;;;;;.
1. Enya WILL NOT be used in any RP, i just made her up for fun, cuz i got bored with studying last night.
2. Kenza WILL NOT be in our RP either, hes for something lyndsi is forceing me to help her with -_- ((aka the reason i want to kill her)) so yea thats why hes around.
3. Dusk...uhhhhhh hes also just the end result of boredom, none of them are for our RP. okay ^_^;;. thats all.
*sighs* and just to make glenn happy i'll post kirara again, I SWEAR DOES ANYONE ELSE THINK HES IN LOVE WITH THIS CAT OR WHAT?!!!!!!

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And thats all i got, btw rai, i seriously think you should keep an eye on glenn, he might try to go for kirara more :P. glenn: O___O!!!! YOU WANT HER TO HATE ME?!!!!!! seeya :P:P

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