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myOtaku.com: vince demonhunter

Thursday, December 28, 2006

*sighs* 2 winters in a row
-__- well, i've finally been run out of my room and back into the spare bedroom down stairs. that doesn't really bother me any, its just the fact that my dad is to stuborn to listen to me for once instead of his *add worst insult for a woman here* GF. that and i had to drag almost all of my upstairs room downstairs with no help -_-. well whatever now neither of them can come downstairs and tell me to get upstairs to sleep, all i gotta do is go into the next room. on the plus side, i get the bigger tv in the spare room XDDDDDDDDDD. and i can watch naruto on it too ^w^. and ummm i dont really have much anything else. see---- oh wait...*this is pointless* uhh odd dream cuz orion was out when i fell asleep ^^;;;;; he likes hakaishi a little to much. now seeya ^_^.
Just out of Boredom Squall leonhart

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Young kimimaro again ^^;;; im starting to like him more and more ^^;;;;;;;

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And for the idiots -_- kirara. glenn/orion: WERE NOT IDIOTS!!!!! me: could have fooled me.

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