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myOtaku.com: vince demonhunter

Saturday, December 30, 2006

-__- peace at last
Okay hakaishi, your single again ^^;;;;

Glenn: O_o...errr..dad, did you really have to go that extreame?

Me: -_- for the 5th time, YES!!!

Glenn: But they were just dreams O_o.

Me: BAD ONES!!!!!

Glenn: how is drea--- me: DONT FINISH THAT THOUGHT!!

orion: X__X *has chain wrapped around neck locked tightly cutting off air* *body looks like it was hit with a semi-truck* *and legs twisted in very odd angles*

Glenn: poor orion......and poor hakaishi, she'll be sad TT_TT.

Me: she'll probably wont be, if she figured out the kinda of dreams orion was having.

Glenn: -_- their married why would she care?

Me: *shrugs*

Glenn: Dobe -_-
With that out of the way, yes orion is out of commision for a long while THANK GODS ^________^. now i got a diffrent problem, IM STUCK ON MISSION 15 IN NUC TT_TT. stupid cave levels TTT_TTT. i got to where you ride the rail car and have to hit the switches to get the tracks going the right path, but i messed it up and keep failing TT_TT please anyone HELP!!!!!!
And now with one last game, ANYONE HAVE ANY TIPS FOR BEATING SEPHIROTH INTO A BLOODY PULP ON KH2?!!!!! PLEASE I NEED HELP ANYTHING WILL DO, HELL EVEN A BAZOOKA WOULD DO!!!!! Glenn: Dont let blue hear that. me: ^^;;;;;; oh yea.
And uhhhh yea thats it for me, seeya ^_^
Oh yea umm just wondering kirby, uhhhhh you started the orion and hakaishi pic? ^^;;;;..
And i need someones oppion on this, does enya look better with these colors or did she look better in black and white? ._.

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