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myOtaku.com: Violeteyes

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The Opening Theme from Futurama

Saturday, April 8, 2006

Wow, I Haven't Been Here in a While...
I was trying to think of forums and blog sites I'd been a member of in the past, and this one came to mind. I've never been a big fan of blogging (or anime, for that matter), so I'm still unsure why I made this account in the first place...

Anyway, my life is good--I've been going to see a lot of bands play and getting a little more involved in the Seattle music scene (which is amazing, by the way.).

Speaking of music, check out the band Cartel next time you have a moment. Super keen.

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Monday, November 1, 2004

I had a good Halloween, even though I had to take my kid sister and her friend Trick-or-Treating...

I dressed in black and found my old fishnet shirt with the zippers, and put on my black lipstick, eyeliner, and eyeshadow with my dog collar. When people would say things like "Nice costume," I'd glare and say "What costume?" That shut them up.

I love Halloween.


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Thursday, October 28, 2004

  ...Yeah. I really like that weird emoticon face I used today, for some reason. I have no idea what it means, but...*sweatdrop*

Anywho. I want a dill pickle right now. No reason...Just craving one. Yeah.


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Monday, October 25, 2004

Remember those old Garfield cartoons, and how bad things always happened to him on Mondays?

That's how I feel now.


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Thursday, October 21, 2004

So I posted a pic. Today. It makes me happy, I've already gotten 2 comments! *loves her commenter-peoples*

Anywho, I'm just killing time at the library, before I can head home.

I have a bunch of crap to do for anime club before tomorrow, like call this company about getting club hoodies, send out forms so people can preregister for SakuraCon this April, call the school about hosting a Japanese exchange student, etc.

But I'm happy--Our sweatdhirts have squares on them!! *pokes Morgan* Eh? EH??


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