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myOtaku.com: Violeteyes

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

Only one guestbook signature per user. You must be registered with myOtaku.com to sign my guestbook.

Guestbook Entries:

Rie-Anne (03/07/06)

you. are. a. dork. AND...paco must die, or take swimming lessons!!! hahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

rebalous243 (10/28/04)

hi. Just clicked on random member and decided to add you as a friend and sign your guestbook. Hopefully you'll do the same. Thanx, oh...and nice site!!!!


Azn Gurl (10/21/04)

hey their supz, very cool page u gotz hers.

Darknessdragon (09/28/04)

i like your site, it is good to have something to do.

nightmares (06/14/04)

Hey! i like the site! I added you as a friend hope you dont mind!^_^

goatfish21 (04/22/04)

Hello. I saw you like Naruto. Great manga...seen the anime yet? And hell yes, Card and Nix are my two favorite authors. I saw that you like Shade's Children, but have you read any of the Sabriel series? Fucking awesome!!! Anyway yeah Im gonna stop going off on random things and leave you alone. Check out my site sometime.

Jaganshi (04/21/04)

hi there! welcome to myotaku.com! cool site, im adding you as a friend. please come by my site and sign my gb, pretty pretty please :( ok, later!


Cho (04/20/04)

*glares* You have released my name to the general public. How dare you. *pulls out collection of sharp objects...that she stole from her friends* For your insolence, I may be forced to kill you. *throws sharp, pilfered objects* *misses* I meant to do that. I will be back.


Mimiru (04/20/04)

YAY! It's Krys. YAY...anyway. I just wanted to say hi. I also added you as my friend. Now I have two friends that I actually know. Wow...exciting...so...I'm going to go now. See ya later. Bye!