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myOtaku.com: Violeteyes

Tuesday, April 20, 2004

*groans* I am So tired...I skipped Crew practice today to work on an English project and to write a chapter to a story I'm coauthoring, which shall be known as RP. But then I got sidetracked on this thing...and I still haven't started my project! But still...this site is rather addictive. And I still have an hour until my Dad comes to pick me up.

But I promised my friend Aubrey--my coauthor--that I'd finish Chapter 8 by Friday, and I haven't even started it yet! Why am I such a slacker? I've had it for a week already, and I still haven't come up with anything!

But that's okay, I slack on everything...Just ask Mimiru--she knows!

I never have my English papers done on time--the rough drafts, at least. No one wants to be the one stuck peer editing my papers, since it's always at the last minute when I finally get around to writing them. I think I work better under pressure. I need deadlines, that's it. I should have Aubrey give me deadlines...

Anyway, I really should finish my English assignment. I have to pull up some graphics of Mt. Elgon in Kenya, for a project on the book I'm reading, The Hot Zone. I know, the title sounds sick, but it's not! It's a nonfiction book about the Ebola virus. The movie Outbreak is based on it, if anyone's seen it. Good movie.

So I'll get on that. The assignment, that is. I need to close. So I'll stop typing...now.

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