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myOtaku.com: Violeteyes

Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Ah...yeah. I have no clue why I'm using the evil face today, I just am. I straightened my hair today, a definite sign of evilness. Yeah.

Of course, today being Wenesday, the best day of the week, I should be happy-ful. But Krys is not, for some strange reason.

Oh, well. Smallville's on tonight. Best non-anime show ever. It's a new episode. Only 4 more eppies left until the end of the season...and then what will Krys do for her weekly dose of Tom-Welling-goodness? Whatever will I do?!

...Yeah. I still need to find a midi for this blog. What do you think? I was thinking...the Futurama theme. I don't know. Any ideas, people?


Later: Anyway. Just thought I'd clarify why Wednesday is the best day of the week. It's EGG ROLL DAY!! Every Wednesday, Krys rides the bus home from Crew, but instead of going straight home, I go to the grocery store and pick up a few chicken egg rolls and a Snapple, and then I walk over to a nearby bookstore and read manga for an hour or two, until my parents come to pick me up. Yeah. Today I read Fruits Basket 2 and Get Backers 2. Good manga. I prefer Get Backers, though. I don't really like the art style in Fruits Basket.

Oh! By the way, any CLAMP fans out there? *sigh* I love X/1999 (my favorite manga ever!)...I just got volume 9 in the new format, so now I have 1-13 so far. I can't believe Emily thinks it's creepy! *glare* Death to X-haters.

BTW, sorry, Ems (I can call you Ems, right?), I didn't know you didn't want your name publicized...from now on you shall be mentioned as...*tries to think of a good pseudonym* Morgan! No, wait, that's taken...how about Krys? ...No,, that's no good...Ah, Krys can't think of anything. So you shall be Emily. Or Ems, if I'm feeling too lazy to type the five-letter name. That shall be your new nickname. Ems. *turns to nonexistent readers* That's a good nickname, right?

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