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myOtaku.com: viperqueenie

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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euses1 (03/31/07)

Yello! U can call meLessa-chan if u'd like ^^... Hehe... well, I really love ur site! It's pretty! Oh, and ur little banner of Naruto's cute! Well, see ya' around! :D

nicky uchiha (03/27/07)

love your site its awesome! and by the way thanks for signing my friends guestbook jmf333 she has barley any people who know her (like me)

littlestar0555 (03/27/07)

♥ i love your site it is so awesome.
sign mines when you have the time. pm me when ever you want to talk or just bored or something.♥


Sora Hanaki (03/26/07)

Hi hi >w<
Thankies for signing my guestbook! Nice site you have here. I like your background and your colors ^^ Well, I'm going to add you too. I'll PM you when I get the chance, hope to talk to you soon.
Bye bye.


MirokusLoverSango (03/26/07)

Hey, thanks for signing my gb. I'm going to add u too. i really like your site. Well i'll see you later. hi

Elena The Turk (03/23/07)


Hi im just a random person signing guestbooks lol. I love your site! Its so awesome! ^_^ Well anyway i gota skitter toodles!


"In ShinRa We Trust"

ilovegaaraandafi (03/23/07)

love your avatar that rule it is very lol hope we can become friends
love ya,

teddy82 (03/23/07)

Nice site you got here that icon to funny,anyway addin ya hope you do the same^^

visit my site any time^^

sakura-star (03/23/07)

Hey there~
Thanks for singing in my gb! hehe my site is done by Shishou! Anyway I'm wondering...r u called queenie? if it is that's cool! coz my mum is caled queenie XDD


LiquidSilver (03/23/07)

Hey thanks for stopping by my site and signing my guestbook! ill deffinatly add ya.

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