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Thursday, July 20, 2006
Dashboard Confessional

I went to my first concert last night; it was Dashboard Confessional. I didn't even know who the band members were, or that it was practically a one man band, hehe. To tell you the truth, I'm not a big fan of the band, but Chris Carraba is talented, and I enjoy his songs. We came 2 hours before the opening to nab the best spot, so we were pretty much in the front of the line.
I thought the stadium was relatively small, and the crowd was smaller than I thought. The place was mostly filled with teenagers, probably 2/3 are girls. I stood in front center of the stage, about three yards away from the band. The openers weren't great, but they were entertaining. The first opener was this guy named something Lee who was geeky and funny. The second opener was a band from Los Angeles, I think. They were pretty hardcore, the music was good, but the lyrics were sick. The singer looked liked he was possessed the whole time with contorted facial expressions, and kept spraying spit and sweat everywhere. He was so gross. Seriously. By the time that performance was over, I felt physically ill. My whole body was in pain, but I wasn't going to give up my spot.
Then came Dashboard Confessionals, totally different from the two bands that came before. They were calm and poised, you could tell this band was experienced, mature, and probably tired from all the touring. Hehe.
Some of the girls there really need to... how should I say... SHUT THE FUCK UP! Seriously, stop screaming out it's your birthday or you want to have his babies! Grow up you whore-bags! Ahem. Anywayz...
I was curious as to how DC was going to rock the show since most of their songs are mellow. But, they did the job, and rocked the show. One of the best parts was when everyone was asked to open their cel phones and hold it up to create a star-like ambiance while the stage bg was of a universe.
I was so tired, but I was like, "No... must... stay for... Vindicated... and Hands Down..." But, yeah, I ended up feeling bad, and I had to step away from the crowd, and watch the show from the back. So, funny thing was right after I walked away, there were two more songs, and they ones I was hoping for. Still, it felt so good to be away from all those bodies pressing against each other, and I got a good view of the entire band and everything going on. The last two songs were the best. =D
I was beat by the time the show ended, around 10:45. So it lasted about 3.5 or 4 hours. My feet hurted so much! We had some food at Denny's. I came home, and still watched an episode of Naruto, lol, and I went to bed.
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Sunday, July 16, 2006
Man divorces and sues wife over ugly past
A Chinese man has divorced and sued his wife for £55,000 after discovering she'd had plastic surgery before they met.
Jian Feng, 38, was said to have been "horrified" when she gave birth to an ugly baby daughter. He suspected her of having an affair.
His wife then confessed to having plastic surgery costing £70,000 in South Korea before they met and showed him a picture of how she used to look.
He filed for divorce two years after marrying her following a whirlwind romance.
The Heilongjiang Morning Post said Jian successfully sued for deceit.
I found this article on some webpages; since it's relatively old, it's been removed from the original news site.
...I really don't know what to say about this. On one hand I can think this is just plain immature because the man is petty and shallow, yet on the other hand, he has good reason to be pissed off for marrying a woman who deceived him. But to divorce her?
Plastic sugery is such a delicate issue. I'm content with how I look, and I think that's a major reason why I used to be against plastic surgery. If I felt ugly, perhaps I'll feel differently. I know I'll get wrinkly and saggy one day. Hehe. I used to think that all plastic surgery was WRONG, now I don't know what to think anymore. Not everyone is born "attractive," some people just want to be happy with the way they look. Then there are people who are already good-looking, and they still get plastic surgery!
I do think that you should at least be honest about yourself if you do get plastic surgery. For example, the celebrities who lie about not getting plastic surgery. If you had the nerve to get it, why conceal and lie about it? Once the proof leaks out that you did, you'll look like a lying fool, and you'll be uglier than you were before the surgery. You're better off in the long run being honest about it.
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Friday, July 14, 2006
Fishing in the Rain
Right after I woke up this morning it rained. Then it poured. So I did my routine, of eating and playing on the computer. Then I looked out the window, that rain looks fun, I want to go play in it. With my lonely dog. No that's just stupid. Then I see my mom's dried fish outside getting rained on. So I had to go get the fish. And since I was going to get wet, I decided that it was meant to be. I put on my bikini, stepped outside into the rain.
It was hella cold. And I was hella wrong. It wasn't fun. Okay, it was a little. I got the fish and went inside. And I felt good.
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Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Around Campus
• While walking through the West Mall, a girl will suddenly get her period and wish all the flyers being handed out were really tampons.
• Freshmen who have put on the infamous Freshman 15 won’t feel so bad once they hear about how many of their old high school friends have put on the Pregnant 40.
• No one will go the Madrigal Dinner, no matter how many posters you put up.
• The Not-By-Choice Virgin Association will be meeting in Engineering building Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, from 8pm until the end of their lives.
• The Seventh Seal that signals the beginning of the apocalypse was opened the day rolling backpacks were invented.
• Eclectic tastes reflected through hair are not appealing—just very smelly.
• Flowers left at the MLK statue are not for the taking.
• Living at a co-op doesn’t make you artsy — it makes you substance dependent.
• Panic will strike once you realize finals are coming, your rent is past due, and you have absolutely no idea how many pints are in a gallon.
• Professors die a little each time you turn around to look at the clock and sigh.
• In-class surveys never include a “You’re wasting my time” check box.
• While walking down the Drag, economics students will argue over which homeless person gives them the most bang for their buck.
• Students who participate in walkouts will question why their skipping calculus hasn’t sent tremors through Washington.
--Texas Travesty
I'll be heading up to Austin for a day this afternoon. Because my eeediot sister and boyfriend needs to take a damn test they should've registered and taken months ago in the city they live in!
...I still want a road trip.
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Tuesday, July 4, 2006

This picture was modeled after Michelangelo's "David." I've always wanted to draw a Romanesque(if that's a word..) face upclose, and I figured, why not use that beautiful statue? It'll stay still. =]
I drew it over a year ago one night, and quit, because I was fussy over his lips. Then I found it in my portfolio the other night, and finally finished it. It isn't supposed to be a copy of "David," but something out of my mind and from my hands. I then Fotoshopped this the same as the previous picture I've posted. Hope you like it!
If you want to see the orginal sketch that hasn't been Fotoshopped, you're welcomed to check it out in my portfolio and rate me. =]
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Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Water Musings
Two things that I freak out about when we run out: Rice and Water.
We ran out of water two days ago, so yesterday I took a couple of our five gallon bottles to HEB to pump. I was standing there minding my own bidnez when some HEB employee came outta nowhere, stood next to me, and was like "Wazzup, sista!" (Or said something similar.) I'm thinking, OKaaaaaaay, ::turn away, don't make eye contact::.
He was still standing there grinning at me, and picked up one of my water bottles, and fidgetted it. I had both my hands curled up into fists covering my mouth, hoping he'll notice that I looked agitated. So I finally decided to look back at him. Said, "I'm sorry, but I don't know you."
He looked hurt and replied, "Cindy??"
"Cindy's my sister."
"Oh! Sorry, you look alike..." And awkwardly stumbled away.
That was the first time someone seriously mistakened me for my sister. Look at me, I have short brown hair, and my sister has long black hair, and I'm two inches taller. Even so, I've had comments that we look like twins. Although, I have to admit that it pleases me to hear I still look like a teenage girl. Or my sister looks like a 22 year old woman-- whatever!
I'm babysitting today, and one of the kids is sick. So I've been washing my hands probably 10X already in fear of the germs. =P The routine is I come over early in the morning around 8:30, we hang out, eat, some of them(2) take a nap. Come noon I'll take them outside for about an hour, though their parent would probably dissapprove that I'm letting them into the jungle. I sent the older one (age 2) inside to throw away her trash. When she came out I noticed she was meticulously rubbing her hands together. I asked her did she washed her hands, too?
So I was chilling with her baby sister (6 months +/-) and then the older one started crying. Now this was weird because she doesn't usually cry. I thought it was the cars or the sound of a jet overhead that might've frightened her. She covered her face with her hands and was bawling, maybe a mosquito bit her face. I tried to pull her hands off, but she wouldn't, and it only made her cry more. So I took the little one in and made her come inside. I took her to the sink and started washing her face, seeing how that's where the irritation was stemming. Then I noticed bubbles forming on her face. I realized she must've put soap on her hands without washing it with water, and ended up stinging her eyes when she rubbed it against her face. So I washed and washed and washed, until the soap went away. And she was all better.
Then we played Dance Dance Revolution.
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Tuesday, June 27, 2006
I was bored today. Decided to fix my webpage up a little. Then I transfered one of my drawings onto my computer, thought it looked shitty on the computer, scanning or photographing just doesn't do the original any justice. So decided to mess with it. Fotoshopsicled it a bit. Then WOW, it's even way better than the original now! Ha.

It's supposed to be the music artist, Yamazaki Masayoshi. I've only heard two songs by him. I like one. And I liked the tiny picture of him that came with the cd that's like 1 inch X 1 inch of which I modeled this. lol.
If you think it's decent, you're more then welcomed to grade it on My Portfolio. =]. If you hate it, then please don't grade it. =D.
Yep, lonely and depressed looking it is. Sister left for college orientation today and won't be home 'til Friday, and said to me, "Lone-lyyyyyyyyyyy booooooooooooooy!" One sister less in the household 'til then.
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Sunday, June 25, 2006
For the past week all I've been doing is hanging out with my sister, Kristy and my cousin, Trevor (age 11-- likes to sleep over at our house days at a time). So 3 times a day, I'm like, "What am I gonna feed you guys?" And, "Trevor why do you eat so much?!" No matter how much we make fun of Trevor for being a fatass, having a big head, eating all our food, being the loudest person on earth, the kid just shrugs it off and laugh. And that is his charm. This is what he wrote in his blog entry:
Monday, June 12, 2006
He says he wants to be a soldier when he grows up. Cindy and I suggested Marines.
Tonight they've decided to move their sleepover to someone else's house. Me time.
Got new tires that cost my parents an arm and a leg, went to IHOP and basically ate everything on my plate, "shopped," then swimming, got more tanned, and chillaxing with Amanduh and Cindy at my house. And I got to FINALLY finish Great Teacher Onizuka the animated series. I watched that anime my freshman year in college, and was never able to finish it until now. Hella funny shit I tell you.
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Tuesday, June 13, 2006
For the past semester I've been going over to my friend's house once a week... well more like once every 1.5 weeks considering certain interferences-- to study Vietnamese. I guess you could say that I learned a lot. I knew a lot, too, but lots of things didn't make sense until my friend helped me figure out what I was doing wrong.
In the Vietnamese language, as in many Asian languages, words depend on the tone. The differences between Vietnamese dialects are the tones and a few sounds like the English (z), (y), (v) sounds. My issue was that the way I spoke, my accent or dialect caused me to spell words that would sound right when read, but looked wrong. It's kine uf lik I'm spilleng the wurdz lik howl I speek it, instead of in the standardized way. Now these differences will look very subtle to someone who doesn't speak Vietnamese. For example:
1.) Em đi với má.
2.) Êm đi với mã.
Which means very different things:
1.) I am going with Mom.
2.) Softness goes with the horse.
My main goal was to get waived on a language exam that I needed credits for. God knows I'm behind on my degree, and needn't take any more classes. I applied for the Vietnamese test. Now here's the annoying part: Unlike other language tests, the Vietnamese test at my university only tests you in writing-- one question answered in essay format. So there was no room to use context and answer multiple choice questions as I'd hope.
I studied. Went to take the test mid-May. The question was: "Do you prefer indoor activities or outdoor activities? Why?" Luckily I'd prepared for a similar question, so I was confident I was OK.
I got an email last night: "I am pleased to report that you have passed the Vietnamese Waiver Exam and have demonstrated 4th semester proficiency in the Vietnamese language. Your petition for foreign language waiver has been forwarded to the College of Education Division for final approval."
That's like 15 hours, or 2 years, or coming into VN Level V, come on. I mean it's not that great considering I speak it almost "fluently", but it kicks ass. And I'm pleased. Just a lil dissapointed I won't get any GPA booster points for it. Just a waive.
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Saturday, June 10, 2006

I saw an old picture of Hisashi from the band, Glay, and was inspired to paint this. Arm looks a little weird, but art doesn't have to be... precise. =]
Acrylics paint.
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