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Thursday, July 20, 2006
Dashboard Confessional

I went to my first concert last night; it was Dashboard Confessional. I didn't even know who the band members were, or that it was practically a one man band, hehe. To tell you the truth, I'm not a big fan of the band, but Chris Carraba is talented, and I enjoy his songs. We came 2 hours before the opening to nab the best spot, so we were pretty much in the front of the line.
I thought the stadium was relatively small, and the crowd was smaller than I thought. The place was mostly filled with teenagers, probably 2/3 are girls. I stood in front center of the stage, about three yards away from the band. The openers weren't great, but they were entertaining. The first opener was this guy named something Lee who was geeky and funny. The second opener was a band from Los Angeles, I think. They were pretty hardcore, the music was good, but the lyrics were sick. The singer looked liked he was possessed the whole time with contorted facial expressions, and kept spraying spit and sweat everywhere. He was so gross. Seriously. By the time that performance was over, I felt physically ill. My whole body was in pain, but I wasn't going to give up my spot.
Then came Dashboard Confessionals, totally different from the two bands that came before. They were calm and poised, you could tell this band was experienced, mature, and probably tired from all the touring. Hehe.
Some of the girls there really need to... how should I say... SHUT THE FUCK UP! Seriously, stop screaming out it's your birthday or you want to have his babies! Grow up you whore-bags! Ahem. Anywayz...
I was curious as to how DC was going to rock the show since most of their songs are mellow. But, they did the job, and rocked the show. One of the best parts was when everyone was asked to open their cel phones and hold it up to create a star-like ambiance while the stage bg was of a universe.
I was so tired, but I was like, "No... must... stay for... Vindicated... and Hands Down..." But, yeah, I ended up feeling bad, and I had to step away from the crowd, and watch the show from the back. So, funny thing was right after I walked away, there were two more songs, and they ones I was hoping for. Still, it felt so good to be away from all those bodies pressing against each other, and I got a good view of the entire band and everything going on. The last two songs were the best. =D
I was beat by the time the show ended, around 10:45. So it lasted about 3.5 or 4 hours. My feet hurted so much! We had some food at Denny's. I came home, and still watched an episode of Naruto, lol, and I went to bed.
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