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Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Today I walked out of the elementary school, to my car, ready to go home and get work done, but it didn't start. Toyota, only about 30,000 miles. Yes, 30,000 and 3 years old. I felt a little hopeless. I was in a city far from home, no friends that could really help me out here. My headlights were working, and so did they lights inside my car, so I figured it wasn't a battery problem. I dug into my glove compartment, found some warranty road assistance information, went to the office, called up some company. They had someone on their way to tow my car. Estimated 90 minutes they said. Wah!
I sat in the school office. Dug into my backpack, realized I had my phone afterall! First thing, I called my cousin to tell him what happened, and if he had any suggestions. Then I went outside, and tried starting the car while stepping on the pedal. At the same time I was calling the towing place to let them know to call me on my cel phone. While doing this, the towing guy comes early, within 30 minutes! And passes me up. I got out and tried to wave him back. After being on hold, someone finally picks up, and I was able to give my number. I went to the front of the school, and waited a few minutes, and the towing guy comes, I direct him to my car, then ran back to the office to get my stuff.
I freaked when I saw the office lights were off, and the door was locked with my stuff inside! Then I saw a lady in and realized I could get in through another door. Relief.
With my stuff outside, the tow guy was about to lift my car, then he decided to test it out himself. He finds out it's actually the battery all along. Popped open my hood-- battery was leaking. He jump-started my car, and advised me to get my battery changed immediately.
So here I am, at the dealership. I'm just really glad it wasn't a serious problem! Not only that, but I have my earphones and laptop almost fully charged with me, and a long sleeved shirt to keep me warm for the next 1.5-2 hours, hopefully.
I've been to this dealership twice, and twice, they pissed me off. First time, they took out the stuff in my car and didn't replace it. Second time, they ignored my name on the list, and I ended up waiting 4 hours for an oil change. And the bitch behind the customer service counter gave me an attitude, EVEN THOUGH I WAS CALMLY ASKING FOR THE FUCKING STATUS OF MY CAR! Is it wrong for me to ask more than once because I've been waiting here longer than everyone else???!!! NO. Dammit.
Anywayz, USA, TX, Austin, Champion Toyota-- Don't come here unless under desperate conditions. I don't think I'll come here, except that my warranty only covers things at a Toyota dealership.
Afternoon wasted, and still waiting to be dissapointed...

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