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Monday, October 23, 2006
Oni-Con 2006!
Wow. This weekend was great! I went to my very first anime convention-- Oni-Con at the George R. Brown Convention Center in downtown Houston. It was all worth the work I had to complete in college so that I could reserve time to take off.
It lasts 3 days, and we got there pretty late at 5 pm. We went through the dealer's room pretty quickly, then got in line for the cosplay contest and skits. I was so excited every time I saw a cosplayer with an accurate costume. It was so fun, and I was such a giddy anime geek. =D

I think my favorite costume was the pyramid guy from Silent Hill. He really did look like a total killer, and I asked him to pretend to kill me in the picture.
I only saw one Rock Lee there! I also got to take a picture with a Gai cosplayer. Rock Lee and Gai cosplayers rock so much! XD
The cosplay competition lasted way too long, and I took off back to the hotel which was conveniently connected to the huge convention. Seriously, that convention center is huge. By the time I headed back, it was for the concert at 9, but it didn't get started until 11! This was probably because the cosplay contest lasted so long. I waited for 2 months since I found out about the convention to see a J-Rock band, so I was really looking forward to this event.

It was all worth the wait because the band, 12012 rocked so hard. They were everything I hoped they were. The vocalist sang his heart out, and he was so entertaining and engrossing. The music was hella loud, too. I sat in the back for the concert, and the seats vibrated. I wasn't sure how firm they were about the "No Cameras" rule, and didn't want to be removed from the concert, so I used a camera phone discreetly, and I didn't get really good pictures, just some blurs. Since it started so late, I could only stay for an hour, but it's okay, I was still very pleased. I wonder when it ended because it's supposed to last for 3-4 hours... so I'm guessing around 2 or 3 am.
All in all, I had so much fun even though I was only there for 7 hours and mostly walked around. I'll be back next year, and I might even be there for 2 or 3 days.
Good times.
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