This site is completely dedacated to my requests and my favorite artists^^
-Rin Kurasaki
Friday, February 29, 2008
A story
Rin walked slowly into the kitchen and picked up the glass on the counter.
"what's up chicky?" Krista attacked her from behind. Rin smiled for the first time today. Krista was the only person that could do that for her.
"Hey Krista, you sound happy"
"You bet! You okay? Ya look kinda gloomy"
"Yea i'm fine." Her feelings were so much more than that. Rin loved her. She couldnt deny that. Krista was her world but she couldnt tell HER that. What would she think? Would she treat her any different? Could Rin risk losing her that way? be continued...
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Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Whats up peoples?! I'm now sharing this site with my gf (vampireknight) so if you want to talk to eiter of us just put who you want to talk to in the subject section of a pm. Ex: if you want to talk to me put Scooter7, or Rin in the subject. If you want to talk to Krista, put Vampireknight or krista in the subject. I you want to talk to both of us at the same time.put both in the title. kk? ok ttfn ta ta for now!
~Rin Kurasaki~
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Tuesday, February 19, 2008
welcome fans
welcome all fans i hope you enjoy this site and add and sign my guest book ^^
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Tuesday, January 22, 2008
the cutest thing eva!!
 Cain Is A Superstar Xd Hosted By
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Monday, January 21, 2008
This is scooter7 on my other account. I you have any requests this is where they will show up from now on.
-Rin Kurasaki
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