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myOtaku.com: Vyers

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Come one come all! Velkam! Hmm, I'm starting to learn to draw so I think I'll be posting some art... Maybe not brilliant at first but since practice makes perfect it'll get better over time ^_^

Saturday, November 8, 2003

  Woopsy! I forgot to turn on comments, but it is done now. Feel free to leave your comments!
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  AAAAAAAAAA!!! Dang! I had hard times registering on the site and now I have hard times registering on boards, I mean I registered but it just WON'T send me registration activisation letter... anyone has a clue how come this happens?
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Good and bad, bad and good... Life and birth on one hand, death and destruction on the other... But which one is good and which one is actually bad? I dunno... come think of it, this planet (heck, the whole universe) exists only thanx to explosion in space, or should I say explosion OF space... a destruction of unthinkable proportions which gave birth to... everything! Hmm... Y'know I have my own beliefs becuz I can't keep up with traditional religions anymore. Becuz religions are all based on "good" and "evil" thing. I'm not an atheist, it's just... On my own expirience I discovered that there's simply NO such thing as evil or good. There MUST be other side, there's no good without evil, becuz too much of good IS bad and if bad is something that makes good... how can we call it bad? Now, according to most religions if we are being good we go to Heaven where we get everything we want and everything is good... always. This is a paradox! IT SIMPLY CANNOT BE! "Everything good" does not exist... becuz it just can't
There was a good episode of old black n' wite Twilight Zone. Some low life thief dies and man appears outa nowhere and comes to him, and says that he will make every wish come true. That is what he does, so low life guy gets everything he wants- women, money, place to live... But in the end he says: "I'm tired of being like that, getting everything I want, this place is too good for me, send me to hell." And another guy says: "Well, this IS hell my friend! Muahahahahaaa!!!"
This is a good example of how too much of good turns into bad.

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