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Dr.Light's lab
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Protector of Good!
Real Name
Klaus Snicket
Been the first cybertronic organism to save the Earth.
Anime Fan Since
I don't, know it happened fast!
Favorite Anime
My favorite anime isTeen Titans
I plan to improve my art and knowledge of the kingdom.
I like to draw, watch anime, and game.
I can draw!
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Wednesday, June 2, 2004
Good bye to all but I will be back!
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Character ratings!
Power : best to least
numbers means almost same
0 means greatest
MasterHand 0
Bowser 1
DonkeyKong 1
Ganondorf 2
C.Falcon 2
C.London 2
Mario 4
Dr.Mario 4
Zelda 5
Shiek 5
Prncss.Peach 5
Mewtwo 6
Falco Lombardi 7
Link 8
Fox Mcloud 7
Yng Link 8
Ness 3
Samus 2
Luigi 4
Marth 9
Roy 9
Mr.Game and Watch
Pikachu 6
Pichu 6
Purin 6 (Jigglypuff)
Tell me if I missed placed some!
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Friday, May 28, 2004
Hulk VS. Venom!
A block falls from the sky!
The GreatFox flies over the stadium!
Mario : I'm your number 1 announcer!
Fox : And I am your number 2 A.....nouncer.
Fox : Mario when do I get to be the number 1 announcer?
Mario : shutup Fox.
Fox : You listen I wanna be #1!
Mario : do you wanna lose your job like I made Luigi?!
Fox : nice point.
Mario : In the Dark-Red corner is the highly intellegent scientist, Bruce...Banner!!!
Fox : And in the Dark-Aqua corner is the most professional thief---(was cut off)
Ganon : I am the greatest thief!
Fox : oook!
Fox : give it up for Eddy.... Brrrrock!
Mario : Fighters take your stand!
Rob64 : Ding!!
Eddy : so you finally get to fight, I thought you weren't strong enough!
Bruce : well maybe you need to pay more attention on my class of "Appearence"!
Eddy : You know I was really wanting to.......(cut off)
Bruce punches him in the face!
Eddy hits him in the stomach and the gut!
Bruce : you're making me Ticked and angry, You don't wanna make me angry!
Eddy stops for he sees Greenery forming around the skin of his Eyes, arms, feet ,and his whole body!
Soon Bruce shirt starts to rip, then his pants !
Now the pants And shirts was off!
Mario : Man! Dude just turned into this green thingy!
Fox : I'm happy he wore underwear today!
Hulk : I told you not to make me angry!
Hulk smashes his fist into Eddy's stomach, and slings him deep in the ground!
Fox : well hes getting closer to hell!
Mario : lol!
Eddie : No venom don't come out yet!
Eddy's flashbacks***Jameson : Eddie you idiot you were supposed to win you let that weakling beat you!***End of Flashback!
Eddie : I c-Can't stoooop iiiiit!
The symbiote emerges from Eddy's body, the white spider form around his chest and back And his muscle-spand extends!
Hulk gets pretty curious because Eddy has not came out the hole yet, so he jumps over to the hole!
And the minute he land hes hit in the bladder harshly not by Eddie but by Venom!
Hulk : you ain't Eddy!
Venom : nope, I'm Venom!
Hulk and Venom tussles on the ground, and Venom sees Hulk loading up his arm, so Venom starts to load up his spider on his chest!
Hulk : now you really see my power!
Venom : Give me your best shot!
Hulk punches Venom with the charged fist!
But Venom's spider blocked it from all around!
Hulk grabs Venom by the Leg and slams him!
So Venom got up And Grabed Hulk And slam on his head!
Now Hulk and Venom Starts to throw punches, kicks, headbutts, gamma, and web at each other!
Mario&Fox : Look at them go!
All of a sudden...
Rob64 : Times up!
Mario : well looks like it was a tie!
Fox : So you'll have to join us tomorrow for the second match of Eddy VS. ....(cut off)
Mario : remember its not eddy or bruce no morew its Hulk VS. Venom!
Mario : Talian-out!
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Thursday, May 27, 2004
Who do you think would win, Mario VS. Sonic?
I think mario would deffenitly win! But others don't think so, look at the
percent---> ~Mario 56.8%-Sonic 55.3%~
Close call.
Who do you think would win?
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Tuesday, May 25, 2004
David Latterman VS. Captain.Falcon!
A pipe exits the ground!
An Arwing drops from the sky !
Mario : Hello eweryun mmmm..
Fox : Dude what are you eating!
Mario : Pizza-Sandwich with extra mushrooms!
Fox : *staring at the food Drooling*
Mario : You want some don't you?
Fox : yeaaaah!
Mario : Here have the rest.
Fox : thankyou Mario!
Mario : So lets see who fighting today its..its..its..its...=-(
Fox : David...
Mario : Latterman!
Fox : well in the right-Red corner is David Latterman the guy from "TheLateNightShow"!
Crowd : *puzzled, Confused*
David : Whats wrong? YOU lost your voice-Box?
Mario : And in the Left-Gold corner is the famuos F-Zero racer... I present to you Captain..Falcooon!
Falcon : Thankyou Thankyou Please silent!
Crowd : *silence*
David : Who do he think he is world's sound editer?
Mario : Figters take your stand!
David : What are you some gay spandex guy with tight bunz?!
Falcon : Words or Jokes won't save you from me!
David : You big fat frea..
Falcon socks him in the face And does a spinning clip!
David gets up!
David : You pesticide!
David tries to punch Falcon but the Captain ducks and elbows him in the stomach!
Falcon sees a Fan and runs and throws the fan at David, David flaps in the air!
Falcon Double-Kicks David, then karate kicked him upwards and then grabs David and blasts him in the air!
D I'll meet you NEEEXXXxxxt time!
And with that David was out of the ring!
Never doubt the power of the Falcon!
Mario : well C.Falcon wins the match!
Fox : what a great showdown!
Captain.Falcon Gains the trophy!
Mario&Fox : Thanks for coming to "The Wildest Celeb Matches"!
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Monday, May 24, 2004
MDK VS. Ganondorf!
Two pipes exits out the ground!
Mario : Its me-...
Luigi : Luigi!
Mario : if you don't stop I will kill you!
Luigi : *gulp*
Mario : lets c who's gonna be battling today!
Mario : Well In the gray corner is the one and only Big MDK!
Crowd : YaaaaaY!
Luigi : in the blue corner is The eviless, badess villian in the world ---give it up for GaanonDorf!
Crowd : *silents*
Ganon : Cheer or I will Domolish all of you!
Ganon : Hmt!
Mario : ready set gooo!
MDK is winding up his arm while Ganondorf is charging at him!
But MDK sees this so he dodges his attack!
Ganon : You're not dumb as you look!
MDK : don't let size and appearence fool you!
Ganon : I never do!
MDK grabs Ganondorf by the hair and throws him!
Then Ganondorf pulls off a Tec-hit!
And charges at MMDK but since MDK is slow he gets caught in Ganon's trap!
Ganondorf gives MDK 1-uppercut 1-Elbow And 1-Warcl Kick!
Then MDK sees A motion-bomb, so after He lands on the ground he rolls over to the small item and picks it up and throws it down!
Ganon : You're such A dumb animal! Ha!
MDK : People say what they want to, but me myself do what I have too!
MDK slaps Ganondorf, then smashes him on the ground and throws him up and spikes him down!
Ganon : AaauuH!
MDK gets hit with Ganondorf's Warlock-Punck!
MDK skips across the ground!
Ganon : Like my punch?
MDK : Yeah I do , Now like mine!
MDk puches Ganondorf with the Giant-Punch and Ganon flies into the motion-bomb that sneaky MDK set earlier!
Ganon hits the wall propells back at MDK, But MDK unaware got knocked out the ring!
MDK touches the ground first soon to follow was Ganondorf then the battle was over!
Refferee : Ganondorf wins !
Mario : Wait wait they both hit the ground outside the ring, and they both fought very hard so they both lost and won, so its a tie!
Luigi : I agree with the Refferee!
Mario : LUIGII!
Luigi : uh -oh!
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My own version of JE : Lets Get Married!
First all, all these pimpdadies want to get up in your halls,
and I am here to say whats on my heart!
It would be a heart-break if we where apart!
I need you all the days in my liiife, please be my sweet wife!
(chorus) Meet me at thee Love-gate
before its too late!
We ain't get'n no younger c'mon baby lets do it! This is where it get started now lets not act retarded, Lets get married!
(rap part) : Now first ta c!
all the women wanna be
with'cha man,
Even dared to try and warm his hand!
Five years you dated each other even through bad weather,
But now its really time for you two to live together!
Now the that you c
its the true way to be!
You either take what I'm say'n
Or you can leave your man to stand!
(Chorus) Can't you see what I mean?
I did things to big so you had of seen!
So theres one request!
For the rest!
Lets get married!
(woman) : OK I will!
Tell me what you guys think!
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Friday, May 21, 2004
Listen up I only know very few SuperHeroes/Villians that uses a sword!
Leonardo, Jago, Elektra, Link, Young Link, Ganondorf, Marth, Roy, Psylocke, Snake-eyes, StormShadow, Samarai Jack, Silver Samarai, Obi-Wan-Kenobi, Qui-Jon-Gin(Gin>Jin), Luke Skywalker, DarthVader, DarthMaul, Yoda, Rouroni Kenshin, Kuwabara, ProNinja, NightCrawler, Trunks, MegaMan, Zero, Gundam, Zoids, Ninja Kid, Vegeta(RK), Hiei, BlackHand, Shinobi, Shocka-Kun, Tusk, Spinal!
Tell me if I missed some!
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Wednesday, May 19, 2004
Some girls do have this fighting style! What is Your Super Smash Bros. Fighting Style?
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Who is your avorite Zelda character?
My favorite Zelda character is * grins evily* Ganondorf, because he has lots of strength and hes big and got the smarts also his power is awsome!
100% for Ganondorf!
P.s : And hes a good swordsman!
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