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on my ass or feet.. or possibly floating on water...(how i'm in a pool and on the computer at same time ???.. beats me!)
Member Since
junior!!!!!!! :D
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i' m here, aren't I?
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
Bleach, Dragon Knights, Yu Yu Hakusho, Shaman King, Trigun, Cowboy Bebop,
to go to college, to find words that sounds like what they mean,, i.e., excoriate- to scold severly
Making a mess, annoying peoples, ya' know.... the usual.
Waterpolo, drawing, can read hebrew, fluent-ish in basic Spanish.. it's all good~
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Tuesday, June 20, 2006
i isht bor-Ed
yeah.. it's 10:04... w00t.
My burf-day was fun! My friends and I went out to dinner and i got PINNEAPPLE!!! [muwahaha!]
School ended on Friday!! W00T!! so much fun! and now i get to sit on my ass and do nothing but go on the computer and play Kingdom Hearts 2!! YAY!!
saw Nacho Libre on Saturday. It probably wouldn't have been as funny as it was if i didn't go with my friends.. [pfhbt.. "wipe my tears"]
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Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Kingdom Hearts 2 came out on Monday!!!
GYAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!! I've only gotten to the end of the Alice in Wonderland world!! granted I only played for 2 hours... -_-'.. meh..
I borrowed my friend's cd of DDR songs and have finally gotten around to listening to it... it's a shame my CD drive is corrupted.. i would put it on here... poopie.. oh well!
I've been looking into KH2 stuffs... there is some pretty funny shit...
ex--- Xigbar, Xaldin, and luxord are drunk out of their minds and wandering around 'The World That Never Was' and they find a pair of pink frilly-lace undies..[o_0] neways.. They're so drunk they don't know what the undies are. So Xigbar put them on his head and shouts "It's a friggin' fruity pirate hat!"
[note: all of these pics are done by Baranlce/psycrowe i DID NOT draw ne of these]
Xemna's Report 1:
Xemna's Report 2:
Xemna's Report 3:
[random side comic that goes here]
Xemna's Report 4:
Xemna's Report 5:
~more KH2 pic tom.z~
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Saturday, May 27, 2006
HAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!! so funny^^
i got bored and started searching Kingdom Hearts 2 on youtube and found this fan-made soap oprea.. oh-my-gawd... i don't think i've laughed at anything so stupidly funny in my life.
and now i'm watching naruto on Cartoon Network.. the story of my life... so sad...
ok............................ now what.....hmmmmmm..... NEJI IS DA' SMEX!!! X3!!!
..... toodlez!
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Sunday, May 14, 2006
sorry 'bout not updating for like evur.... i ... was lazy... am lazy.. yeah.
I went to Disneyland last Sunday with Rufi for her b-day!! XP!!! I got a Pirates of the Carribean shirt... XD!!!!
I'm all caught up with the bleach episodes... and i found out that this whole part their airing isn't in the manga.. TT_TT... so sad.
yesturday i went bolwing with my friends and now my wrist hurts... whoopie!
yeah.. htat's it... toodlez!!!!
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Thursday, April 27, 2006
Geez!! Nobody comments nemore!!!! GAWD!!!!
I just finished watching episode 62 of Bleach... it's so sad at the end! *tear* and may i say MAJOR PLOT TWIST!!!!!!!!!!! GEEZ!!!!!!!
ok... so... yeah...
Next week is the last week of swim!!! YAY!!!! I can walk home with my friends!!!! YAY!!!!! [or get a ride... whicheverXP!]
sorry... this is a very short post... toodlez!!!
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Tuesday, April 25, 2006
TT_TT... so sad!
I just finished watching episode 62 of Bleach... it's so sad at the end! *tear* and may i say MAJOR PLOT TWIST!!!!!!!!!!! GEEZ!!!!!!!
ok... so... yeah...
Next week is the last week of swim!!! YAY!!!! I can walk home with my friends!!!! YAY!!!!! [or get a ride... whicheverXP!]
sorry... this is a very short post... toodlez!!!
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Sunday, April 23, 2006
wow... it took me while to update..oops!
I had fun in New York... yeah.... we went to Ellis Island and took pictures of my Granfather's and my mom's grandmother and son's names on this monument thingy they have there. We also went to Macy's on 34th and bought Starbucks.. :P!
well, we came back last Sunday but my sister had a report and then I had no energy to stay up past was very sad.... TT_TT
I went to Borders and B&N today... i got Bleach vol 12!!!!!! and FMA vol. 5!!! XP!! MANGA GALORE!!!! [not really... i'm just having fun typing]
I'm sitting at the comp in my dad's house, which happens to be the room next to my sister's room, AND HER ALARM CLOCK HAS BEEN GOING OFF SINCE 6:00!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GGGGGGYYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! *steals random pointy object from random anime character and demolishes sister's alarm clock to millions of tiny, little pieces* [MUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!]
i think i just popped my shoulder back or somethen' 'cause I moved it and it went "POP!".. *ba.............dum...........cht!* :P!
I'm gonna chase my cat now and put 'im in the closet.......TTFN!!!
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Saturday, April 22, 2006
wow... it took me while to update..oops!
I had fun in New York... yeah.... we went to Ellis Island and took pictures of my Granfather's and my mom's grandmother and son's names on this monument thingy they have there. We also went to Macy's on 34th and bought Starbucks.. :P!
well, we came back last Sunday but my sister had a report and then I had no energy to stay up past was very sad.... TT_TT
I went to Borders and B&N today... i got Bleach vol 12!!!!!! and FMA vol. 5!!! XP!! MANGA GALORE!!!! [not really... i'm just having fun typing]
I'm sitting at the comp in my dad's house, which happens to be the room next to my sister's room, AND HER ALARM CLOCK HAS BEEN GOING OFF SINCE 6:00!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GGGGGGYYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! *steals random pointy object from random anime character and demolishes sister's alarm clock to millions of tiny, little pieces* [MUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!]
i think i just popped my shoulder back or somethen' 'cause I moved it and it went "POP!".. *ba.............dum...........cht!* :P!
I'm gonna chase my cat now and put 'im in the closet.......TTFN!!!
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Tuesday, April 4, 2006
loosin my voice....
I might be getting a cold, but i now I'm loosing my voice. It sounds kinda funny^^. I missed swim today b/c of it. Every time I have a little bit of a cold and I go in the water, I get a fever of 103 and am in bedrest.. =w=...
neways.... I'm going to New York for Spring Break. We're [my mom , littler sis, & i] are leaving Sat. and coming back the next Sunday. YAY!!
umm... yeah.... i'm just wasting time now.
OH! I scanned a sketch i did in bio. It's of this guy named Costis[ or at least my interprtation of him] from the book "The King of Attolia". I'm editing it so people can actually see it. I'll put it up when I have more time.
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Saturday, March 18, 2006
OJ needs to go back to Tropicana!
Yesturday was my fist swim meet. IT WAS SOOOO FREAKIN' COLD!!!!!!!!!!!!
neway... sets I swam:
200 free[200 yards freestyle]
200 free relay[4 people on a relay team, so 50 yrds/peep]
400 free relay[100 yards/peep]
I VOW NEVER TO WILLINGLY SWIMM A 200 FREE AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so..*gasp* ...tired!
Our team lost overall, but personally [in order listed above] I placed 3rd, 2nd, and 2nd
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