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myOtaku.com: Wakusei Aoshi

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

Only one guestbook signature per user. You must be registered with myOtaku.com to sign my guestbook.

Guestbook Entries:

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Cari-chan (05/17/07)

Hi there! Thanks for signing my gb and thanks for your compliment! I appreciate it! ^_^ Your artwork looks really great too! Talk to you later! ^__^

xxsolarXeclipsexx (05/16/07)

i like your site. i think your coolies and i hope you don't mind if i add you. come by my site when you have the time. byes.


xXJarRyoAlvXx (05/10/07)

hey! i saw your comment on Hinata Karayetsu's colored Jarred pic. Im her lil bro. Thnx for the encouragement on my idea bein good. Wanna be friends?


eternal mini moon (04/28/07)

hi i like your site

kyoshiro elric (04/22/07)

love your site! I love your quizzes! ^_______^


Team Plasma N (04/07/07)

*appears out of the mist* Hey there, thanks so much for your comments on my artwork of Naruto I do appreciate that so here is my promise to you my ninja friend, I will visit you as often as possible and check out your artwork as well. I only ask the same favor from you please. So that means I am adding you!!!^_^ Stop by when you can!! Cya! *does ninjitsu and dissappears*

~"Eh Naruto...you always freak me out..."~

DontDie4Me (03/26/07)

heyz! like ur site! nay, love ur site! glad u liked my fan art! stop by my site l8r!

aww...look! my bunny loves you!


caosgoth (03/24/07)

hi there! thanx for signing my GB! great BG and um cool site ^-^ talk to ya laterz! byz!

cati0vz (03/13/07)


I just came swinging by to thank you for your comment on my shino and kiba chibi pic.. 'so thank you

also .. your galarry is awsome as well *thumbs up* ^^ keep it up

maybe I'll see you around!!1

InsaneAndroid (03/12/07)

Hello friend. I'm just stopping by just to tell you how awesome of a person you are. I love you! Yay!

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