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myOtaku.com: wandering kenshin

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

   Time to Panic!
Okay,a little recap of my last few posts. I'm doing an exit interview tat was supposedly on Monday, but it changed to a different day.Well, the wait is over. It's TOMMORROW! The best part is that I get to get out of Geometry for about 10-15 minutes. The bad part is that I'm extremely nervous about it. I'll try and remember all of your comments to help cheer me up.

Anyways, onto normal, not nerve-racking stuff. My website is partially up right now, for those of you who have been to my site lately. Today is a minimum day for me!^^I get out at 12:05 on Tuesdays, execpt when it's something important.Friday is also a minimum day due to Memorial Day on Monday.

Oh, I got my District Social Studies Test back today. I was the only one who got a perfect score on the performance section.*does victory dance* My friends hate me right now. It's going straight into my portfolio. I'm sending one of my friends a greeting card right now because she got sick and didn't come to school. Bye for now!

~*wandering k.*~

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