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myOtaku.com: Wandering Soul

Saturday, January 22, 2005

  Went out to the movies today....tried to get my mind off other issues....thank u david for much needed support.^ ^.Anywayzs...I saw Phantom of the Opera.It was pretty good.Long but good.Lots of sining..There was this one song while the phantom brings her down into the dpeths of his cave /home area.I luv that song.I wanna get the soundtrack tomorrow.All through he movie luis kept attacking me.Lord...lol...At one point before the movie there was silence after this one preview about constantine,and everyone was quiet...I told luis he should do his weird cackly laugh he does to scare the crap out the ppl.They all would ahve screamed and i would ahve caught it on my mobile.Must flee and think happy thoughts to keep myslef my falling again...^.~
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