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• 1986-08-26
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• 2004-07-16
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• [See occupation], also noteworthy: I'm a creationist.
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Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Tuesday, August 17, 2004
Well, I survived one hell of a hurricane...
Well, that was an interesting experience. Appearntly I got lucky, only lost our front window and a bunch of shingles. We didn't have power for 4 days, but a bunch of people still don't have power. We finally got our phone lines back up and running, too (thank God)
Oh, and they're saying no school for at least 2 weeks in my county. From what I heard the place got pretty fucked up, such as this: we have a three story building, and from what people are saying, it isn't exactly three stories any more. It's kind of said, as I won't be able to see my friends for a while. I feel bad, too, because this girl that talks to me lives in the Pines (right next to the school) and she said the houses are basically paper mache. I'm going to miss her... She was so hot...
Also, we've lost our post office. So I have no idea when I can get mail, ever. A bunch of lights are out on the roadway, too, scary shit.
I'll get some pictures up as soon as I find a place to host them (if you know of one, PM me.)
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Thursday, August 12, 2004
ATTN: Charlie
I had sex with your mother. That is all.
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Monday, August 9, 2004
Ahhh, school...
Wow, today school started. I was supposed to go to Vo-Tech for 1st-3rd period. But I had no way of getting there. I didn't have a schedule for the Vo-Tech bus, and apparently I wasn't the only one. Me and four other people just sat in the library for 3 hours. Exciting.
My fourth hour is really... Not fun. Our teacher rambles on about random shit. All he basically did today was tell us about his trip to Alaska with his wife. Wow. Yeah.
Fifth hour? English. The class is a bunch of fucktards. I about wanted to punch them all in the face at once. They kept talking, they were all being a smart-ass beyond what I can deal with.
Sixth hour? Not too bad. Except we have a few "HARDKORE SK8ER" types who love to talk about blowing things up. They're all idiots, and it shows. Oh well, I sit by a very attractive female. Not that it matters or anything, oh well.
The bus ride is kind of so-so. I just listen to my CD player, and I finally got new head phones. The seats are really damned small, too.
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Sunday, August 8, 2004
Now, there's nothing there. I'm insanely bored right now, so I'm updating. Deal with it, pinko. Also, my journal colors own your soul.
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School starts tomorrow.
I bet you can guess that thought is drilling at my brain. I'm REALLY not looking forward to it. The only real plus side to it is John, and hopefully I'll have Jocelyn in a few of my classes.
Also -- I really hope that my bus doesn't have a shitload of people. It's bad enough that I have to ride the bus. It being cramped doesn't make it any better... I can't wait until I get my licensce.
Anything else? No, not really. Just that summer didn't last long enough. They should've added another month so that I could play The Sims 2 and Half Life 2 without worrying about school. That will be an interesting juggling act.
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Saturday, August 7, 2004
liek omg
Rate my gamelist,you buncha newbs
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Saturday, July 31, 2004
Take that crime, you shit!
Ah, such a good time was had yesterday. Jon came and got me and took me to Sarasota, all day I hung out with his friend (Tasha) whom is moving away Sunday. I was rather upset that we weren't introduced before then, as she's really fun and such. We watched Pulp Fiction and some flash movies (Salad Fingers 1 + 2, Burnt Face Man, Scribbler) and played some iSketch. We didn't do much, but it was fun.
I also met her boyfriend, he's really cool as well. It's too bad she's moving, and that i'll probably won't see them for quite a stretch of time.
Jon's still asleep, lazy ass... Heh...
Ah well, I got Jon to download Steam for me. The programs alright, albeit a little annoying. Plus I'm having some problems with TFC, but I'll try again later.
This post is meaningless, but oh well, most people's are. Here we come conformity!
Kidding, have a nice day everybody.
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Tuesday, July 27, 2004
School starts soon, in about 2 weeks...
I'm not too happy about it, but whatever. It looks like I'll have to change my sleeping habits in preparation... And it looks like I won't be able to play as much City of Heroes as I'd like to. Oh well, shit happens I guess.
I have another quick rant, this time it's about famous people telling their fans who to vote for. Today, I was watching a concert on MTV, it had the Beastie Boys performing in Las Vegas. Now, I guess in their new album they put down Bush a few times, but whatever, that's not really anything to big.
What really bothered me, was when one of those asshats stopped and said "Wait a minute wait a minute, seeing as how we're on T.V. we might as well say something" now, I had no idea what was coming up, but I put down the bowl of ramen for just a second to hear "Don't vote for Bush" and the crowd going crazy "vote, but not for Bush"
Wow, I about wanted to punch all of their washed up faces. I couldn't believe it. A crowd of mostly teenagers, screaming and cheering because "bush is teh st00pd" people, I honestly don't care you think should be president. But it just pisses me off when people that can actually vote do so because their favorite celebrity told them to.
Also, don't tell us who to vote for unless you're going to explain yourself, I think that's what pissed me off the most. All those kids cheering, and then the Beastie Boys just went back to their bullshit songs.
Well, I'm going to go play some Psi-Ops, hope everybody has a nice weekend.
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Wednesday, July 21, 2004
Ahhh, 1 gig of e-mail storage...
I FINALLY got G-mail, only about 6 months behind everybody else. E-mail me, PLEASE, I'm seeing if I can actually feel up this beast of an e-mail service
Also, I found one of the best Flash sites ever (through LUE, of course) check it out, some hillarious stuff.
Also, I got Claims Adjuster up to level 14, I finally got super God damned speed... Yar, I couldn't go pick up the AQHF OR Sealab DVD's, as the weather was bad or something... I don't know.
Nothing else really happened today, thought about a few people (Theresa and Kona...) I really miss them, haven't seen them in forever.
Much love everybody, I'm out.
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Friday, July 16, 2004
PARENTS - Take this quiz...
Your kid told you he is...Studying at the library... But he is really... Snorting cocaine off a hookers boobies.
After that good intro, how can this NOT be good? MC Chris has a new song out for a person who won a remix contest, a great producer by the name of Baddd Spellah. So I've been jamming to that about all day - MC Chris - check it.
The Aqua Teen and Sealab DVDs come out Tuesday, got them on pre-order. Got City of Heroes up and running, if you're on the Justice server you can hit me up. Claims Adjuster, the best super hero in existence is my hero.
How about that Micheal Moore, eh? A fat assed jackass who shoves lies down people's throat. He claims he's a "political comedian" so it's ok that he twists people's words around. Also, he's one of the most hypocritical "journalist" of all time. Anti-Corporate? Right, that's why he hasn't released ANY of his works for free on the internet or else where, and to my knowledge he hasn't donated ANY of the billions of money he has made.
Also, anybody who has seen Bowling for Columbine probably remembers when he interviewed those three rather fat-assed Canadian teenagers that were skipping school outside of the McDonald's, and how he asked them about "the violence problem in America" they responded by telling him they think that America is always looking for a reason to go into war... Bullshit, anyone? Canada has partaken in more wars then we have, they were also in WWII LONG before the US got involved.
Still not enough for you jackass Moore fans? and have a lovely Christmas
-----Opinion done------
With my community service over, I'm out. Also, why are FF and Inuyasha fanboys/girls so damned obsessive?
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