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Friday, December 17, 2004
xmas is comingggg
hooray!xmas is almost here!!the best present (in my personal opinion) would be yuki-kun (furuba) or ryo-kun(yu-gi-oh!) or or..BOTH!lol

awww cute!i love elk,hes so cool.mias eyes are scary though >.<
bye bye
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Monday, December 13, 2004
hi everyone..
im bored as at the moment,i wish my scanner worked,i wanna upload my drawings -_-...so bored.and yu-gi-oh! is not on tv anymore!!:'( WAAAAHHHH.im never gonna see the end of yugi vs yami no malik!!stupid nickelodeon..>.

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Friday, December 10, 2004
hooray its saturday and guess what!?the sun actually came out!and now its stinking hot -_-..i cant win..
hee hee..i watched cowboy bebop again today..oneof my fav eps actually.."ballad of fallen angels" i dunno why i like it so much..anyways..i really gotta be going..have a great weekend everyone.

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hellooooo,its friday!!and its still raining :( i want sunny sun shine.today i did rainy day stuff..i watched "children of the corn",yaaay evil children!!and i just finished re-watching ym cowboy bebop best sessions dvd..lol..i love that episode with the mushrooms..so funny..
im gonna change the music on the site to something else this aftanoon some time..but what?!?lol..have a goody good weekend everyone!

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Thursday, December 9, 2004
yah..im bored
hey everyone..its nitey nite nite time.i made a new layout for my graphics site..its got bakura on it :D :D..yay bakura.lol.well i betta head off now..
oyasumi nasai minnasan!

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Wednesday, December 8, 2004
something strange happended yesterday
yesterday,being wednesday,i had to go to school to get my report card thingy..to my absolute shock..it was good!
my results:
and the one that truley gave me a heart attack:i got a B in maths!!im terrible at the subject!im in the second best class (i dont know why) and i struggled all year and i actually passed!!!!i just cant beleive it..lol
on another happy note..i know what im getting for xmas, the .hack//SIGN boxset and/or the Fruits Basket boxset!!yaaaay..anime..
a question:what do you want for christmas?
ill leave on that note,hope everyone has a great day ^-^ cya
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Tuesday, December 7, 2004
wednesday morning and its still rainin
grrr..i want the rain to stop >.<,lol its only 9-10am wednesday morning here,and im already on the interent,ahh..i love broadband ;).hee hee.

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hi everyone ^_^.
its been raining for two days..its been real boring because i cant go outside :(
but i must say,i did actually find something fun to do,i downloaded some Yu-Gi-Oh! and Inuyasha skins for The Sims and played it.it was quite amusing to watch seto kaiba,noa kaiba and mokuba kaiba wander around doing funny things.also ive been re-watching my anime DVDs..ive watched almost all of them..i still have to watch spirited away though..its just sooooooo long i havent got around to it.i was drawing some anime in my sketch book last nite,i drew my first elf!
anyway,i couldnt resist to put these images up today because there soooo cute!:

awwww isnt that soo cute >.<

and on that note,i bid you farewell!
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Friday, December 3, 2004
no more school 4 me!!
hello everyone!i am feeling better today,i had a good sleep and some good food on thursday and was feeling better on friday and now i feel great!i added some more content to my graphics site and ive read some mangas..but best of all..im on christmas holidays!!!!!!!hooray..like 2 months of no school!!!!!!!!!!!yay.

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Thursday, December 2, 2004
feeling sick
ack...i am feeling really really sick >.< today,in my LAST japanese lesson we were watching anime and gonna have a party and i was too sick to stay,and i had ta go home :'( WAAAAAAAAHH...i wanted ta watch KiKis Delivery Service...even tho ive seen it before,i wanted ta watch it with my friend...
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