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Wednesday, December 1, 2004
dodgeball...it HAUNTS MEEEE
arrhhh,i have played dodgeball so much that i want to strangle whoever invented it.i playe dit last week on friday you see,and fair enough,it was pretty fun,all of grade 9 playing it and all,then i had 3 days brake..but yesterday..in P.E what do we play..DODGEBALL,with all of grade 9 *note:terrible music was on while we played dodgeball*,then on that same day..in social studies..we played dodgeball for no apperent reason and then AGAIN today..we played dodgeball..ahhhhhhhhh i thought the terror would never end..and im dreading friday,because i have social studies and sport...:'( WAHHHHH i hate dodgeball..infact i hate all sports.

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Monday, November 29, 2004
school is so annoying sometimes.i have this REALLY evil teacher for maths and science right..well,shes going to a different school next year *dances and throws confetti*,anyways..she was at her new school last week 'learning about it' and she told my science class were 'below the level' for behavior an stuff,it was very insulting because she was actually saying we were terrible and grade 7's are better!sometimes i want to just strangle her >.< >.<...at least i only have this week left of her FOREVER!!oh,a good thing did happen today,i got ta sit near the guy i like *blush* tee hee ^_^
>helloooo to all myotaku friends ;) you all rock :)
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Sunday, November 28, 2004
re-vamped my site
hey everyone!
todayi spent HOURS re-vamping my website, http://www.geocities.com/tha_anime_princess29,i think the colours look cute ^_^.lol.i finally uploaded PSP to my new computer and went on a crazy graphics making spree..lol.i got the most disturbing phone call,it was kinda scary,this guy i know from primary school rang me up and started asking me REALLY personal questions..i dont even like him,so i didnt wanna answer.it creeped me out 0_o..i hate guys who only want one thing..

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Friday, November 26, 2004
weekend is off to a good start!
yup,its only saturday mornin and my days already great!im listenin to my fav bands on winamp and tonite im having BBQ for dinner ;)
i feel like doin some quizzes,even though there pretty annoying and really tick me off ^_^.
oh and i just wanna say hi to all my friends who signed my guestbook :D *waves*
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friday ^_^
yipeee its friday,which means its saturday tommorow,whic of course means..NO SCHOOL!!next week is my last week of school :D..then next year ill be in grade 10!!oh yah..yesterday,i bought a badge (my friends enterprise assesment) and they made me a special one with tsukasa (.hack//SIGN) on it!!!its so cool and it made me happy,on another good note,today,i got a B+ on my SOSE assingment :D :D
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Monday, November 22, 2004
haa...i stayed up reallly late last night to watch the finallee of australian idol >.< the person i wanted to win came 2nd..oh well.If anyones interested,i think ill tell ya'z a story.well..my grade 9 english extension class made a book this year,like all short stories,pictures and activities,and we actually got it published :D :D,well tomorows the book launch,i cant wait for it to all be over,we had HEAPS of pressure on us for the book to be great..i hope everything turns out ok.
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Saturday, November 20, 2004
new computer
ahhh yay!!!i finally have a new computer!!its sooooooo much better then our stupid windows 98 computer.so yeah..nothin much new really ^_^
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Friday, November 19, 2004
finally its friday..i hate school..ALOT -_-.'cept i like hangin with my friends ^_^.
i cant wait for tommorow night,adult swim is on..which means...gasaraki,orphen and trigun!
yay yay yay.
oh and thanks to the super nice ppl who signed my g-book ^_^,i added you all as friends.
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Thursday, November 18, 2004
arhhh...i hate thursdays o_0,i wish it was friday...
my friends and i had a er.. glue fight o_0 at lunch today,we attacked innocent bystanders with glue sticks ;) that was fun.
ahhhh,i watched .hack//SIGN in japanese without english subtitles and i understood SOME of it ^_^YAY
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Wednesday, November 17, 2004
anime at school ^_^
today at school,i printed out like 5 pages of full on anime at school..and me and my friend *cant give his name out without permission* talked about anime all threw maths ^_^..hee hee..i think im becoming obsessed with the .hack series...oh well.
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