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Member Since
Real Name
Amanda, but my friends call me Mina
I can speak 3 languages
Anime Fan Since
I was about four when i was first introduced to it...
Favorite Anime
Ayashi no Ceres, Aa! Megami-Sama!, Ai Yori Aoshi, Noir, Naruto, Pretear, Witch Hunter Robin, Inu Yasha, Wolf's Rain, Furuba, Love Hina, Wicked City, Devil Hunter Yohko, Fushigi Yugi, Cowboy BeBop, Gensomaden Saiyuki, D.N.Angel, Bleach, and a lot of others
Attain all of my favorites on DVD and their manga counterparts.
Drawing, writing, computer graphics
I've been told I can make wallpapers well..., and draw and write well too.
I'm Mina. If you feel you wish to actually converse with me, please message me in anyway. Thanks for stopping by!
Oh yeah, and please If you download one of my wallpapers please let me know!! I love getting feedback.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Long time...
It's been over a year since I've posted, and yet I still don't really have anything to talk about.
Been married for a year and a half now, still the same as when we were dating. People still ask me "How's married life?" like they expected it to be different for us. I like being married, but I guess that's because we had a stable relationship beforehand.
I'm still in college, though I recently changed my major from Spanish to Geology. It's interesting, and all of the professors are really cool. I like being able to look out a window and understand the processes that make the world look the way it does. It's thoroughly fascinating.
Other than that, I've gotten a fourth cat- her name is Daphne. Isaac and I have bought a house outside the city, we're currently doing some small improvements on it before we move in to it.
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Tuesday, March 18, 2008
finally you hear from me.
I'm getting so horrible with updating.... T_T
Lt's see.... so since we got Simon, we've also gotten Java (a Bengal) and Charlotte (a calico).
> Charlotte
so now let's see... we've finally booked a venue for the wedding and reception: here. We've started looking for a house too... we're trying to have it bought before July, so that when our lease is up, we can just go into the house. So much going on.....
That's about it really. Kittens, weddings, and homes. School's there too, but I hate it, so I try not to think a bout it too much.
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Thursday, February 14, 2008
So I haven't been on in a long time, I know. I've been mega busy/ without internet. I moved out of my old apartment and got a new one. Isaac and I live together now, without the complication of an extra roommate. He met my family in Minnesota over the winter break, and we spent some time with his family as well. For my birthday ( the big 21), my dad and stepmom took Isaac and I to Las Vegas, which was pretty fun. and then we came back and started school right away. Quite a bit is going on.
OH We got a kitten. His name is Simon and he's white and brown tabby. He's extremely playful, and likes to play hard. that's it so far. We both got really sick at the beginning of the semester.
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Tuesday, October 2, 2007
I was in a car accident and lost the baby.
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Sunday, September 30, 2007
We told our parents about the wedding, and my mom was cool until my stepmom started talking to me, then she decided it was time to start a fight with me over her insecurities. Then his parents were very cautious. They think we're too young and that we should wait an extra year before we get married.
My dad had his tailbone and the vertebra right above it fused on Monday. He's doing really well, and won't rest like he should be, but he's always been really stubborn about being in one place too long.
My parent fought about flights during Christmas break. Mom wanted her way, but Dad's doctors said it couldn't be that way because of the surgery. So they put me in the middle of it, and I ended up telling them that if they decide to go to court over it, I'd ask for custody of my brothers and get it, because I can prove that the environment causes a lot of anxiety issues for them. And then I told them that they need to grow up and act like adults because they were acting like children. Then I said that even if they don't like each other they have to at the very least be civil to each other because they do have kids and they should start acting like parents and set a positive example. Then I hung up the phone.
Dad talked to me the next day and apologized, and he talked to mom the day after. I was very impressed when I heard they apologized to each other and started working together to get my brother to do his homework. Mom wouldn't talk to me for about a week. But she's finally civil.
So, tomorrow morning, I'm going to the doctor.
'Why?' you may be asking yourselves.
Well, I have taken six home pregnancy tests, and all of them are positive. All of them. So, I'm going to the doc to get the official "Positive".
Yeesh things are moving fast. Isaac's moving in with me on Sunday to take care of me. I think I may have to quit school again, because I'm having a few problems already. ::scared::
I keep praying though. So hopefully things will work out.
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