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Real Name
Amanda, but my friends call me Mina
I can speak 3 languages
Anime Fan Since
I was about four when i was first introduced to it...
Favorite Anime
Ayashi no Ceres, Aa! Megami-Sama!, Ai Yori Aoshi, Noir, Naruto, Pretear, Witch Hunter Robin, Inu Yasha, Wolf's Rain, Furuba, Love Hina, Wicked City, Devil Hunter Yohko, Fushigi Yugi, Cowboy BeBop, Gensomaden Saiyuki, D.N.Angel, Bleach, and a lot of others
Attain all of my favorites on DVD and their manga counterparts.
Drawing, writing, computer graphics
I've been told I can make wallpapers well..., and draw and write well too.
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Monday, November 8, 2004
Oh yeah
Darke, I did get the see no evil. I havent gotten to read it yet, but I did print it out! I'll let you know as soon as I do read it though.
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hey guys what's up?
Look I made something for those of you who commented on my wallpapers:

This mainly goes to :
Samurai Girl
They seem to be the only ones who ever comment. :( ah well. But go you! you got the Awesome person award!
I'm gonna go now...
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Saturday, November 6, 2004
Yo. I got bored again. It's now Daisuke! So, how's everyone been?
My week
Wednesday: lets see what did I do? Oh I know, I listened to my mom go on and on about how the democrats are idiots for voting for Kerry.
Thursday: Went to the dentist... 'nuff said.
Friday: got some clothes. I've been in dire need of acoutrements. And now I have them.
Today: Went Job hunting. I only got one application though. Ah well at least I know these people are hiring.
I also made some more wallpapers this week. Let me know what you think please!
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Tuesday, November 2, 2004
LIke the layout? I got really bored yesterday.
For there were no skoul. <~~ Yesh that's what I said.
Thursday one of my friends bought his girlfriend (who is also my friend)a dozen roses for her birthday. They both turned so red. It was really cute.
Friday sucked but I got out earlier than is usual due to the Pep Rally the cheerleaders had. Hurray!
Saturday I did nothing.
Sunday I cleaned and then around 9.00 pm my friends came over and we watched:
The Nightmare Before Christmas
Beetle Juice
Oh yeah and we watched Vincent <~ Tim Burton Short Film
we were also going to watch Sleepy Hollow and Mars Attacks, but Jason forgot Mars attacks and It was 1.00 before we got to sleepy Hollow.
We had a Tim Burton night.
Todayt was blah. Jason hurt Lena's feelings pretty badly. She wouldn't even look at him. Looks like I'm not talking to either of them until they figure that one out. <~ My friends make me mad sometimes and I refuse to walk on eggshells for them in this sort of situation. Yesh not talking to them is the best solution. ::Ponders more::
Well I'm off. Tengo que encontrar a mis hermanos.
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Wednesday, October 27, 2004
So let's see. Nothing's really happened lately.
Absent on Monday.
I had a conference yesterday with my mom, my NWD teacher, and my grade-level principal. Didn't really get a lot accomplished. My mom made another enemy at the school and she's meeting with the school principal tomorrow to complain about my grade-level principal again. He's not a very nice man. And skeezy.
I ended up getting moved in my class from computer 2 to 15.
Big jump, and I'm by the most annoying people I can find. It sucks.
On the plus side, My net web grade is now an 80, as opposed to the 55. So I'm happy.
Gonna go to bed now. Feel sleepy and I have to get to school early for makeup work. Ugh.
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Wednesday, October 20, 2004
I've just had an epiphany...
School sucks. Teachers suck. People in administrative positions suck.
^^ epiphany ^^
I just got a call from my grade level-principal. He tried to tell me (and my mother)that I was lying when I said my Net-Web Design teacher told me I need to "have respect for those in power."
Umm no.
Why would I lie about something like that? Honestly, why would I draw that kind of attention to myself? Oh you may be lost about what I am talking about as I don't think I've posted anything about it, so I shall give you some background.
A few weeks ago I was absent. So my NWD teacher told me what I needed to make up. Keep in mind that school policy is you get until the beginning of the next class to turn the make-up work in.
When it came time for me to turn in the assignments, my teacher would accept them, she said they were late. But the thing is I know for a fact that they weren't because she was accepting them from other students. "Alright, fine."
Then on Friday, she tells me that I'm failing the class because I have two zeros. Nevermind the fact that I tried to explain to her that I had those zeros because she wouldn't accept my work. That's when she threw me out of class and told me I was "copping an attitude" and that I "was flat out rude." Then she said the whole respect those in power thing and let go back to class.
Nice right? I thought so.
Is there a reason as to why some teachers find it their mission in life to suck their students dry of every ounce of happiness?
So I have her class tomorrow too.
**EDIT** Gray Underpants has brought it to my attention that I overgeneralized in my 'epiphany' NOT ALL TEACHERS SUCK there are those that are incredible and awesome in every way.
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Monday, October 18, 2004
This is Hilarious. I thought I should share it with all of you.
You Know You're Addicted to Anime When... |
You call your dog Shinji.
You perform a canon ball dive into a pool while yelling "Spirit Bomb!"
Your house has an anime room.
You and your friends flash peace signs and take girlish poses when you are happy.
You get an anime tattoo. even though you're scared of needles.
Your walls are covered in wallscrolls and posters from your favorite series.
If you use the term 'Kawaii' for describing everything.
You try to convince your girlfriend that 'cat ears' and 'tail' really looks good on them.
You can sing songs from your favorite shows, in Japanese, even though you dont speek Japanese...
You spent hours looking through your library for a copy of "The Universe of Four Gods"
You have legally changed your name to that of your favorite charcter.
You wear a necklace and fall down everytime someone says sit boy.
You insist on having an entrance that includes spotlights, music, and raining cherry blossoms (while you hold a rose if you're a guy).
Your only dream is to attend Tokyo U with a girl you haven't seen in 15 years.
You play an instrument and you nick name it Inuyasha
For valinetines day you buy a stuffed dog and make up your on japanese name for it
If you get mad at you teacher and draw a picture of her as a anime demon cat
You wtch Iron Chef constanly to pick up great recipes ( haven't done it but plan to )
You've bought a twenty dollar ring in the shaped of a dragon to show off at school.
You always have your hair covering your left eye and always fliping it so you look like a anime character.
You think that falling flat on your back with your legs in the air is a normal reaction to big news.
You are worried because you don't have several desirable members of the opposite sex frantically trying to make you fall in love with them.
You shave a cresent moon onto your cats head, dye the cat purple, then take it to school and insist it's Luna, your talking cat.
You go around town trying to eat donuts and act all crazy-like, all the while saying you're Vash the Stampede.
To resolve a conflict, you insist in a duel.
The employees at Gamestop know you, and tell you when you walk in if they've gotten a new shipment of anime DVDs.
You've gotten angry at someone and placed two fingers on your forehead shouted the word "Makanekasopo!" (specail beam cannon or light of death) and then poked them in the eye.
You waste countless amounts of hair gel to get that "Goku look"
You map out points in Tokyo where the Dragons of Earth might attack
You believe it is possible for a person to be severly beaten in the head with a large hammer, stick, etc...and still come out alive.
You have a moment of confusion whenever you go to school because there are no girls in those tiny little skirts that come with their school uniform
You yell out 'Baka hanyou Inu-Yasha!' at your birthday party and everyone (except your parents) knows you're talking to your boyfriend.
You tell your parents you need to stay out past curfew to save the colonies.
Each time you see a stray animal, you turn your hat sideways and throw one of those plastic Pokeballs Burger King was giving out in their kids' meals yelling, "POKEBALL, GO!"
You add "no da" to the end of all statements you make
The majority of your CDs are Japanese or the English version of a Japanese soundtrack or the English soundtrack of an anime that just decided that it would use English in its songs.
You misplace your manga and someone at school you don't even know gives it to you saying they knew it was yours.
You incorporate Japanese, somehow, into every class.
You can sing songs from your favorite shows, in Japanese, even though you dont speek Japanese...
You use random Japanese words such as baka, kawaii, and hentai.
You try to read every book from right to left
You take a break from watching anime to go to your computer (nicknamed Lord Conti) to download anime (for previewing purposes only! ;) ), while visiting your favorite anime forum, while listening to Japanese webradio...
You call your parents Oka-san and Otou-san
You say ITADAKIMASU!! before you eat your meals
You think that locket your boyfriend gave you will turn you into a magical girl
You'll risk grounding to get a good new fanfic.
You constantly say "w00p" after almost every sentance.
You insist on chopsticks for everyday use.
Your bookshelf is filled with anime boxed sets and no books
You stop listening to the radio because english makes no sense to you anymore and it's your first spoken language
You call yourself "otaku."
All of your family portraits have been altered to the proper super large eye size.
Random battles seem to erupt wherever you go.
You take the time to write messages on your cigarettes, only to burn them right away.
Your dreams are animated.
You naru punch all the guys at school, and then wonder why they don't follow you around like keitaro follows naru.
You hold your eyes really wide all day trying to make them stay big
Duct tape is really funny to you and most of your threats involve taping people to walls.
When you're washing dishes you yell out "SUPAH WAVE SMASHUH!" or any water attack.
You run out of space on your computer because the hard drive is taken up by hundreds of anime pics, mp3s, midis, and music videos.
You spend all night trying to figure out how many people you can get to go in with you on buying the complete collection of Sailor Moon episodes in Japanese.
You spend your whole spring break working on an anime webpage.
You expect to see a teardrop over someone's head when they get embarressed.
You start to speak with an odd accent.
You can watch two animes in the same room at the same time and still have the TV off.
You know your favorite character's bloodtype.
Knowing Sailor Moon helps you on an Astronomy test.
You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends who are addicted to anime. |
I've done most of these!!
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Sunday, October 17, 2004
Yeah so...
Yesterday was quite freaky. We went to an amusement park to celebrate my little brother's birthday. But my grandma had a lot of dizzy spells and at one point couldn't tell that we were talking to her. It was really scary. My mom thinks she had some sort of seizure.
My grandma's on a lot of medications (blood thinners and blood pressure mostly) because she had heart surgery in March. And the doctors are saying if it weren't for her excess skin, she'd be underweight. I'm really worried. She didn't watch her sodium intake or anything like that yesterday either.
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Thursday, October 14, 2004
Hey. I uploaded 8 wallpapers today... Wow. I'm normally not that productive.
Like the new Layout? It's Miyu!!
Ah, Kakinouchi and Watase are definitely my favorite manga-kas. They rock.
I got a 93 on my RT- (creative writing) stands for Round Table. It's where we read about 6 pages of writing and then we get feedback on it. The Grade reflects creativity. I was happy, mostly because my last one was an 88.
Had to re-do an English assignment because our teacher lost it. GRR. I hate that. Why makes others suffer because of your irresponsibility?
Alg 2 was fun. We just sat there and played on the calculators the whole block. It was great.
Never actually go to watch Outbreak couldn't find it. so I watched The Addams Family instead.
Buh Bye.
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Tuesday, October 12, 2004
Not much went on today. Not sure...
Let's see...
I know I havent talked about school so I think I shall do that.
1- Honors Anatomy
2- Net Web Design
3- Government/Economics
4- No class: go home!! or look for a job...
5- Creative Writing
6- English IV
7- Algebra II
8- No class: same as above...
We only have four classes a day.
Today I had Creative Writing. didn't do anything in there except go to the Library. We got to read what we felt like basically.-- Sharon Olds is an incredible Poet-- the end.
English we read the prologue to The Canterbury Tales.
Algebra II-- It's math. need I say more.
gonna go watch Outbreak now
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