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Member Since
Real Name
Amanda, but my friends call me Mina
I can speak 3 languages
Anime Fan Since
I was about four when i was first introduced to it...
Favorite Anime
Ayashi no Ceres, Aa! Megami-Sama!, Ai Yori Aoshi, Noir, Naruto, Pretear, Witch Hunter Robin, Inu Yasha, Wolf's Rain, Furuba, Love Hina, Wicked City, Devil Hunter Yohko, Fushigi Yugi, Cowboy BeBop, Gensomaden Saiyuki, D.N.Angel, Bleach, and a lot of others
Attain all of my favorites on DVD and their manga counterparts.
Drawing, writing, computer graphics
I've been told I can make wallpapers well..., and draw and write well too.
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Friday, October 20, 2006
Soooo, I wish I had more time to update.
My roommie left yesterday for brain surgery. Before you ask, he has brain cancer, and the tumor is too deep in his white matter to remove the thing completely. So he has routine surgery evry 3-6 months.
I feel ill. I caught either a cold or have REALLY bad allergies. Hopefully it's allergies.
I don't deserve my boyfriend at all. He's got a really bad cold, and he still came over last night to keep me company becuase he knows I don't like being alone in the apartnment too much. He ended up passing out becuase he's so sick. I feel so bad, but he said he'd rather be with me then resting in his dorm room. I <3 him. A lot.
K I'm done now. I'll talk to you all later.
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Sunday, October 15, 2006
So my bro's birthday is tomorrow. I'll need to call him.
Let's see... Hung out with Jason Friday night, and then Jason and Lena Saturday morning. we went and talked to some friends we hadn't seen in a loooooooooooooong time (read: months).
In other news, Matt and I are officially boyfriend and girlfriend.
That's it for now. I have to clean, do homework and shower... so I'm off like Batman! ::swings cape::
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Saturday, October 14, 2006
That was the best date I've been on... EVER.
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Thursday, October 12, 2006
I haven't been on in a looooooooooooooong time.
Let's see, I'm basically drowning in class work. It's hard keeping up when I have ALL reading courses and I'm dyslexic.
I have a date tonight, with this guy:

His name is Matt. Estoy muy emocionante por esta noche.
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Saturday, September 23, 2006
I don't know where I'm going with this
It's been awhile since I updated so, I thought I'd change the pace a bit and add a poem/song
I'm looking for feedback on:
unintentional permanence
Erasing you is like erasing pen
it smudges just enough
to see an effort
but the mark is still clear: discernable
I should have learned by now
ink is permanent
I should have written you in pencil
Pink rubber is only dirty now
black gel is only blurred
not for lack of effort
I can still see your name: legible
I should have learned by now
it's easy to lie on paper
not so easy in person
I wish I'd had a pencil
because I should have learned by now
permanence was never your intention
Well there you have it. I'm not quite sure if I like the second verse/ third stanza. Hrmm... Anyway, feedback is most welcome!
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Saturday, September 9, 2006
Yay for boys who let you play with their hair.
So I came back to Austin yesterday. Then I hung out with Jason all night. I told him I was going to re-dye my hair so he asked me to do his. I must say, his hair is awesome. We bleached the front half and then skunked it with blue.
Since January I have had 7 different hairstyles.
Tonight I'm taking my brothers to see The Covenant. Hurrah for Steven Strait.
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Wednesday, September 6, 2006
rant for the day.. I feel evil AND justified.
So I get online today, and see that lilvalchan has writted a post. In seeing that she has posted something, I am reminded of the various conversations we've had about the annoying people who make stupid wallpapers, just to post something. So I, being me, decide to look at the new walls posted, and I come across one that stands out from the others.. So I ask if the fanart in said wallpaper was her own creation... she sends me this message:
"Actually... I've pretty much found this one,and... several other people I know around my school have actually used that kind of Fanart for their Art Projects, like... wallpapers,gretting cards,and... some other misc. things? Anyway... I hope that clairifys a few things ^_^.
-Sam (aka Yuna Asagiri)"
So I reply with this:
"Taken directly from the guidelines for submitting a wallpaper:
"Remember, we do not permit wallpapers that are comprised of other people's artwork or that (most importantly) are merely a collage of still pictures (with no added effects).
Submitting a wallpaper you did not create or including artwork in your wallpaper that you did not draw is plagiarism and will not be tolerated."
You're being reported.
Have a great day."
And the odd thing is, I feel justified in doing it, because I know people who have had wallpapers deleted for the same thing this person is doing.
I'm going to start making wallpapers again. Maybe then, people will quit flooding the submissions with plagiarized crap, blown up images, and collages that have no continuity.
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Tuesday, September 5, 2006
oh man....
So I wrote a poem right, it was just a random exercise where I took a few lines from some songs I liked and tried to put them together. It ended up being about a girl who jumps off of a building. So my mom and step mom BOTH asked me if I was going to kill myself...
because of the way my life is going right now...
Don't I deserve more credit than that? Why would I kill myself over an ended relationship? WHY would I allow someone to control me in that way?
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Tuesday, August 29, 2006
so anyway
I broke up with my boyfriend... For the second time.
I'm not dating him ever again.
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Thursday, August 17, 2006
Birthday stuff.
So I saw my boyfriend last night, after not getting to see him for about three months. We just hung out. It was so much fun. T'was perfect.
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