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myOtaku.com: watasefan

Wednesday, September 6, 2006

rant for the day.. I feel evil AND justified.
So I get online today, and see that lilvalchan has writted a post. In seeing that she has posted something, I am reminded of the various conversations we've had about the annoying people who make stupid wallpapers, just to post something. So I, being me, decide to look at the new walls posted, and I come across one that stands out from the others.. So I ask if the fanart in said wallpaper was her own creation... she sends me this message:

"Actually... I've pretty much found this one,and... several other people I know around my school have actually used that kind of Fanart for their Art Projects, like... wallpapers,gretting cards,and... some other misc. things? Anyway... I hope that clairifys a few things ^_^.

-Sam (aka Yuna Asagiri)"

So I reply with this:

"Taken directly from the guidelines for submitting a wallpaper:

"Remember, we do not permit wallpapers that are comprised of other people's artwork or that (most importantly) are merely a collage of still pictures (with no added effects).

Submitting a wallpaper you did not create or including artwork in your wallpaper that you did not draw is plagiarism and will not be tolerated."

You're being reported.

Have a great day."

And the odd thing is, I feel justified in doing it, because I know people who have had wallpapers deleted for the same thing this person is doing.

I'm going to start making wallpapers again. Maybe then, people will quit flooding the submissions with plagiarized crap, blown up images, and collages that have no continuity.

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