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myOtaku.com: water fox

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Hey there...
I have replenished my tsubasa addiction. XD I went on youtube the other day and watched another ep and I'm in love with it again. Has that ever appened to you? You know you move on to new anime and get like, "Wow, that old one was lame why did I like it?" Then you watch the "Lame one" again cause you're bored and it like "Oh yea THATS why I liked it" XD mmkay maybe I'm just crazy.^^
Any-who I'm... well water fox sounds so lame... I just am no good at coming up with names. -_-
*wallows in lameness*
I thought I'd apologize for all my spelling mistakes. I type way to fast, and I'm sometimes just plain stupid...
Well Byeas! *wink* ;D

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

I HAVE FINALLY MASTRED THE NEW NEOPETS LAYOUT!!!! I can code lookup's now. ^_^ Look at this...
Isn't it beautiful?
*sits back and stares with pride*
Yes, yes. Know you all know. I'm a computer nerd who knows HTML and I willingly admit to it. XD If anyone else plays on neo and is on my friends list here, please neofriend me!! ^_^

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