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myOtaku.com: water fox

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Guestbook Entries:

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XxDirEnGreyxX666 (12/03/07)

Yo! I am just a very randome person comeing by to sign guesbooks and look at cool sites like yours! I really like it! ^.^ Well ttyl!

bye bye!


If you add me I'll add you! ^.^

XeroRadar (08/07/07)

Hi there I'm Xero!
ah you have a crazy cool avatar! Hope it's ok that I add you as a friend, See you around!


hishyama shark (07/13/07)

nice site homey, I'm adding you, ok

goth987 (05/30/07)

nice site

ms.kurosaki (05/17/07)

i luv ur sites colours. well im just going around to random sites and signing random peoples gb. well im gonna add u if thats ok. talk to u soon(hopefully) bye bye:)

Animaniac6131 (05/17/07)

Just randomly going around adding friends nice site you have here! pm me anytime!

~The loveless Baka~

DarkNightWereWolf (04/27/07)

Hey. Your site is cool. Your avatar is so fu**ing funny! I'll add you as a friend.

You was Just visited by DarkNightWereWolf

MusicLover15 (04/24/07)

*Hmm I think I know this strange, odd person.*
Ahh yea the point of this thing. :)
Yes well I added you as a friend as you already know, because well your just THAT cool!.
Bwa ha ha!!

Posion Fangs (04/20/07)

Hey pretty cool site that you got going here love all the colors. I'm just passing by and found your site I decided to sign hope you can return the favor. Well hope to see you around the O sometime and wish you best of Luck.
~Posion Fangs

eldertenchi (03/30/07)

nice site I love the green backround
drop by anytime
peace out!

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