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Saturday, January 13, 2007

I babysat... all day... First my cousins, now the nieghbor kids. I'm on their computer right now. heh... All I can say is I'm never babysitting a kid who's not toilet trained ever again... if you want to know that bad you'll have to ask me what happened because I don't feel like sharing right now... -_-
So I've been writing this fantasyish story thing, and yea I guess I'm gonna post the link to it... I've had people say it sucked... and yea, self-esteem not so great right now, cause I thought it was good and I was just informed that it was "ultraviolet" (ask about that later too... -_-) But yea here it is.........
Yes it's on neopets... deal with it. No dark has nothing to do with the story, it's not a fanfic. I just put him on the backround because he's so smexy... XD Anyways, please read the authors intro thingy too, so you know why some of the text is weird. (Damn evil computer... -_- again ask ater, or read intro thingy...) So yea... please read and comment if you could... ^^
Quote- "Green one! Be silent! Much wind pours, from that hole in your mouth!"

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Friday, January 12, 2007

The one good thing about being sick is I get to sleep in. Other then taht it's just stressful. Being home with my mom all day and no friends is very frusterating. -_- That and I have a bunch of homework due thats sitting in my locker. *sigh*
Hey guess what people!? Theres more than one Naruto fan flash. The 5th one is really funny. XD Go watch them.

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Thursday, January 11, 2007

   Anime Clubbbbbbbb
He!^^ We get to screw around in the computer lab yay! Nothing else to say right now...
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Sunday, January 7, 2007

   Weird Al
Got cd... love it... so funny... :D
yea... not much to say today...

Quote - "they see me mowin... my front lawn
I know they're thinkin I'm so white & nerdy"

Know what... maybe I just won't do questions any more... -_-

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Friday, January 5, 2007

I really shouldn't shop with my mom... meh... as if that isn't enough said. She wanted me to get the fitted & knitted preppy junk, and I wanted the huge baggy cargo pants and black zip-ups. Then of course we got into this whole conversation about how preppy is an attitude and emo and punk ppl are/aren't evil........... agggggghhhhhhhh!!! We ended up not buying anything... go figure...
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   Dam computer
stupid invisable words... X_X
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   Oh yeah...
About Evita... I cant belive we're watching it in school... Today they were calling her bitch and , as well as saying she should be laid, not loud... Thats really quite a strange thing to find in a school setting (Though I found it hilarious XD)
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YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I like fridays... they're nice to me... ok anyways... I get to/am being forced to go shopping tonight... hopefully my mom wont force the preppy clothes at me again... she ALWAYS does that -_- and she thinks my style is plain and un-girlyish... what ever. Hopefully I'llbe able to get some new books... even though I still have 4 or 5 I still havent read since christmas...

Quote - "I've got the MAGIC STICK"

no question... dont feel like it...

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Thursday, January 4, 2007

   Okay so I lied...
I do have a quote & question...

Quote - "Shun the non-believers, SHUUUUUUUUUUNNNNNNNNN!"

Question - Do you know what the above quote is from *wink*;D

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   I havent been on in awhile...
Yeah, over break my brain meted and I didn't really post much. Still recoversing from the whole melted brain thing -_- being in school is rather unpleasent when you're used to sleeping until noon. Well theres anime club today, YAY! *dances* other than that not much going on...
Has anyone seen the movie Evita? the musical? Its wierd... we're only about ten or fifteen minuetes into and I already have problems with it.
#1 why is the dead lady siging?
#2 I find it a bit creepy when she asks Argentina to share her coffin...
#3 The "narrator" seems to be insane (yet very funny), but maybe thats just me...

Quote - Oh, I cant think of anything right now...

Question - same as above...

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