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myOtaku.com: water fox

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Friday, December 15, 2006

I woke up thismorning not being able to breath, and not being able to talk my throat hurt so bad. :( *cries* I hope I'm not still this sick 2morrow. That would suck. But I suppose I feel better now then I did when I woke up, so maybe I'll be fine...
Well I hope so. Hope you guys are all having fun at school while I'm melting my brains on the computer ;D Byeas!

Quote - "If this is the Navy, then where do they keep the seals?"

Question - Whats a good way to solve writers block?

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Thursday, December 14, 2006

I'm so excited 4 this saterday! Heheheheheheh XD
CHRISTMAS PARTY!!!! XD (In case you haven't noticed I like smilies...)
Anyway I have to babysit tonight... and we have a DBQ in history tommorow *sigh* T_T I DBQ's... but thats okay, cause I get to have cherry desert on friday night! (my fave. kinda pie! m pie! XD) I'm thinking of getting my dad to hook up our scanner, so I can post some old stuff. of course it's nothing compared to any of ur guys's, and its all realy old, but then I'd at least have something in my "portfolio"... well byeas! XD

Quote - "WOAH! What the hell are you doing!? Those are MY grahm crakers!"

Question - What do you do with cold bacon?

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Tuesday, December 12, 2006

   Man, I have a ton a spelling mistakes...
oops -_-
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   Busy & boooooooooring night
Woo-hoo! After school movie! XD (Okay, I don't think I could fake that excitement much longer T_T) Well at least Ashley & Annie will be there, so I won't be all alone. XD
Then I get to go home do homework, eat, and then go kill myself at dance. Ughh... Kickline is evil, but we get to have a party tongiht so I'm happy about that. XD and I finally got my point shoes this year XD Anyways enough about my boring tuesday night...

Quote - "*much munch* Don't worry, I found the nachoes!"

Question - What should I get my secret santa for Christmas? :/

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Monday, December 11, 2006

   HELP ME!!
My headphones broke, and now I have to ride the bus home without my music!!! NOOOOOOOO!!!!! *cowers in corner* I'm afraid of all those little kiddes on my bus... O.o I'm sitting in study hall dreading the time that the bells going to ring... Oh and btw, if I dont make it, GOOD LUCK AT THE BAND CONCERT @NITEE!!^^

Quote - "But I need tacos, I need them or I will explode, that happens to me sometimes..."

Question - You weapon of choice?

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Sunday, December 10, 2006

   I feel... stupid
I don't think I have ever felt more like a n00b in my life. It took me a month to figure out how to add posts. *bangs head against wall* Nevermind the glaringly obvious button on the sidebar that says ADD POST. *Bangs head against wall again* Well in my posts there will be two things.
1. A random quote
2.A random question
If anyone actually reads this, then message me your answer to the question, I like to see peoples answers. XD

Quote - "Oh but you can't expect to wield supreme executive pawer just because some watery tart threw a sword at you!"

Question - What would you do if santa got stuck in your chimney? (Be specific ;D)

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