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Friday, March 23, 2007

Oh friday how I love thee. ^^ I love the weekend so relaxing, and school has been draggin on forever it seems like. ONLY ONE WEEK TILL SPRING BREAK!! XD cant wait hehehehehehe.^^
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Thursday, March 22, 2007

Okay question, I know I have a really messed up mind but...
DarthSquirrell has an irish ring that is a marrige ring I guess (NO shes not married, it was a friendship ring) and Then someone said she looks like the ring bearer and they're like Can you turn invisable? and somehow in my mind the words marriage and invisable made me think of sex... O_O I have no idea how I came to that conclusion either. If anyone could help then please comment... Im so very confused -_-

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Monday, March 19, 2007

I dont know why... but im just in an evil mood... I want to torture someone bwahahahaha...ha...ha... sorry... Well I can always go home and pick on my brother XD
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Sunday, March 18, 2007

   I finally have an iPOD!!!!!!
No longer am I stuck with my 100 song mp3 player oh no. I can put over 20,000 songs on here bwahahahahaha!!!!!! Of course its like the 6 year old ghetto iPOD... but its an ipod XD XD
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Thursday, March 15, 2007

oh yes i have stuff to read, I got this thingy from a person and now I'm gunna read it... now the crazy ppls are talking about whoppers in miccy D's what the hell IM SCARED AHHHHHHH NO i dont even no what I'm talking about, now their talking about drunk brothers... hmm I wonder what my brother would do if he was drunk, maybe I could get him to spill all his deep dark secrets to me, then blackmail him for the rest of his life...... BWAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!! but then again he ould die from over consumption..., hrmmmmm difficult dicision... lalalal LAAAAAAAAAAAAA


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   la la LAAAAAAAAAAA la
For no reason in particular I'm hyper... *crazy face* yea, i want a cookie... and thers scary teacher eating people in the library O_O... ooooooooo now they're talking about the voices in their heads... not even kidding... wow even dounut man's not that crazy... O_O

>:0 {Who says I'm not crazy... I pride myself on my creepy, canniballistc, craziness...}

RUN AWAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY *dissapears into distance... no idea when I'll return*

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Wednesday, March 14, 2007

hrmmmmmm food drive stuff tonight yay! I get to get away from all of my brothers and go shopping (who cares f we're just shopping for beans and pudding XD)

Oh and happy white day everyone!

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Monday, March 12, 2007

Well I found a book... yea... I dont have any hw tonight, so thats good. I can finally play my ps now. So I lost the whole next chapter to my story I was writing... and I don't remember what I did. Curses. I finally got through the block, and then I lose the prose. GAH!!! *bangs head on desk* you know I never talk about anything intresting do I.? Just my boring life... its sad really. I really want to rant about something today, buit its not going so well... I keep switching topics >.>

Oh yes our computers STILL not fixed its gay...

>:0 {...}

wow... for once dounut man doesn't have anything to say... o_O how shocking.

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I have nothing to do, nothing to read... blah blah blah....... sorry if I'm ranting again, but I like to rant. ranting is good... oh yes, it is... now what was this rant about again... oh yes bordum (bordem, bordim?) whatever XD
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Friday, March 9, 2007

YAY!!! XD I'm so glad. I'm exaughsted, and ready t go home and take a nap... zzzzzzzzzzz *jumps* Oops, sorrys >.> XD
So I'm actually not doing anything this weekend. wow. thats the first time since like christmas... my mom banned me from my ps too -_- I'm gunna be bored as hell. Oh well I'm still glad it's friday ^^

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