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Wednesday, February 28, 2007

   stupid stupid stupid techers



my page is all stretchered from my screaming, sorry darthsqurriell, I stole ur screaming thing... but it does help... kinda...

So I really hope it snows so much we dont have scholl, cause I dont wanna do all the homework (Obviously, or I wouldn't be here, I'd be doing it...)

Well c ya!!!

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Monday, February 26, 2007


(Please excuse me while I vent my anger)


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Friday, February 23, 2007

   A womans prayer
Lord, please give me the patience to love my man, to forgive him, and to understand his moods. Because God if I pray for strength, I'm gonna KILL him.

rofl. I like this prayer. XD

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I dont think my internet is ever going to work again. DX Next tuesday it will have been a month and a week. DX I can't believe I'm still breathing. I was sure I was gunna die with no computer, though I admit my life has been Reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally boring. I get to go to my cousins house this weekend though, lots of DDR and guitar hero, yay! XD

>:0 {Maybe we should open up the panel and put firecrackers in the hard drive, I maen we need a new computer anyways, and it would melt things pretty nicely. *evil grin, preeceeded by malicious laughter*}

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Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Internet still down. Must satisfy myself with using the school computers again... -_- So I've gotten a few comments with people wondering who dounut man is... well dounut man is my randomly invented smiley, birthed from a spelling error...

>:0 {Hi there *wink*}

Thats Dounut man... he scares me sometimes... o_O
PS the words in the brackets are his speech...

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Thursday, February 15, 2007

Dont have much to say. cept I think I'm mostly over the writers block.^^ Thta makes me happy. Of course I expected what I'm working on to be finished about three weekends ago... Oh well maybe I'll get it done this weekend. Well byeas!

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Wednesday, February 14, 2007

   BIG post
Okay so my internets been down for over 2weeks now. I swear to god I'm gunna die... I mean its sooo hard to live without my computer. O_O I only have the breif moments like this one to use the schools computers and update. GRRRRRRRRRRRR *frustratedly bashes head on desk*
So todays "Valentines day" bleh... I hate this holiday, but at the same time I want a bf hrmm...
Sooooooo what else is there to say...
Well I'm going to my cousins house this weekend. Prolly watch Anime, play some DDR and Guitar Hero, OMG AND I"M SO PLAYING FF7 THIS WEEKEND> AS SOON AS THE PLAYSTATION WORKED AGAIN (thanks chaos^^) MY BROTHErS WERE LIKE SPASTIC AND MY MOM MADE ME SHARE -_- that means I only get to play for like an hour every 2-3 hours. I hate my bros they're evil. So my weekend resolution in to get at least a decent way into the game...
Oh and it's a three day weekend....
I have writers block, you know how bad that suck? No? Well it sucks... -_-
Hrrrrrmmmmmmmmmmm what else do I have to say before I have to return to my internetless home...
I think I'm getting sick, and my back and hip hurt like hell, I can't even lift my right leg without extreme shoots of pain. I rolled my ankle thismorning on the same side too...
Dodgeball on monday XD That should be fun. To bad monday's the day right before tuesday. You know, most people hate mondays, but I really dont mind them, however I loath tuesdays. They're my hardest day of the week, and they always seem to sneak up on me. Damn tuesdays and kickline...

I love that little cool smiley... sory distracted *stares into space*

Sorry for beating you with my water bottle darthsquirrell, I didn;t think it would hurt that bad. That and I think I may have ocd, last year I spastically slapped my crush in the face. XD Of course he just thought it was funny as hell...
Anyways... I think thats it. Well see most of y'all (hahahahaha Y'ALL!) tomorrow at anime club! BYEAS! ^^

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Tuesday, February 6, 2007

So it's stil snowing (I think) I hope it keeps going, so I don't have to go to dance tonight, otherwise I can always try to fake sick, but knowing my mom it prolly won't work... -_-
Let's go with the snow option! KEEP GOING SNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!!!!!

>:0 {Yes my white fuzzy minions go, go, GOOOOOOOO *evil laugh*}

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Thursday, February 1, 2007

   Time of mourning
My growing phone almost died after anime today. I had to cut of it's tail. :( no more growing for him.

>:0 {Sorry Mr.phone, I know you love south but you cant grow in it anymore}

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   la la laaaaaa
I'm bored... I found an easier link to the rpg site...
http://www.nexon.net then just click on the maple story button. sweet. my dad still hasn't installed it yet though... errg, he takes forever with those kinds of things.

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