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myOtaku.com: water fox

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Tuesday, January 30, 2007

in my spree of happiness I forgot to post the link... lol here ya go!


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I found an interactive RPG. Little moving avatars and magic and bow and arrows and swords!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just like .hack// without the helmets. XD XD JOIN COME PLAY WITH ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Monday, January 29, 2007

   La la laaaaaaa
Okay... so I pulled a b- in both AP classes, thats not very good, but I'll be satisfied with it, cause my mom will be. WOOT!!! XD

So there's this reaaaaaallly dirty pickup line from the site in one of my earliers posts... please dont report me (how do you do that anyways?) for this.

>:0 {Are you a general? Cause you're making my privates stand at attention.}

yea, somewhat disturbing, but whaaaaaaatever...

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Sunday, January 28, 2007

I'm so bored. I dont wanna go to school tommorow........ mondays are evil. I get to see my crush this weekend XD XD (well maybe. I hope so at least) This time I'll get pictutres, wether he wants me to or not. mwahahaha!!!!! He looks funny with all his hair cut off tho...
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Saturday, January 27, 2007

   Best page ever...
XD These pick-up lines are the funniest things ever!!! XD XD XD


READ THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>:0 { Baby, if you were a booger I'd pick you first.}

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Thursday, January 25, 2007

Why does no one ever private message me or something. I'm bored, and alone, someone talk, even though I'll be gone by the time you do... whatever. XD
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   Bwa ha ha!!
HAPPYNESS!!! Finals all done, hoo-rah... yeah anyways... ANIME CLUB AND PARTY 2 NITE WOOOOOOOTTT!!! XD XD I have homework thought -_- what kind of evil teachers give homeowrk right after finals?

>:0 {For once... I am speechless. But I just talked, so does that mean I'm not speachless?}

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Wednesday, January 24, 2007

My computer won't let me on my comments page. -_- Stupid filter... evil parents... dam...
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La la laaaaaaaaaaa
So glad that history final is over. Now I can finally relax. *sighs in relief* I LOVE THE HAPPY FEET COMMERCIAL!!!!!!!!!! XD XD

>:0 {does this mean I can't eat the teacher?}

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Tuesday, January 23, 2007

I"M AFRAID!!!!! *hides under desk* I'm so scared that I'm gonna bomb the history final... Even when I study for that class I end up doing badly, if I get a bad grade my mother will kill me... D: HELPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!

>:0 - { RAR!!! I will eat the history teacher!!}

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