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Monday, January 22, 2007

   Oh yes
Dounut an hasn't made his apperance yet today...

>:0 - {FEED ME!!!}

There, now he has.^^
p.s.... the words in the brakets is douut man talking,for all you slow people that didn't already figure that out. ;D

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   So does anyone actually listen to what Ms.King says?
This morning she said we could get ourselves organized in an organized way... so does tha tmean it's possible to be organized in an un-organized way? 8/
She repeates herslef alot... and god if she doesn't stop playing with that paper clip when she talks I'm goin to go up there and rip it ot of her hands. IT SO FREAKING ANNOYING!!!!

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Sunday, January 21, 2007

My moms asleep! I CAN USE THE COMPUTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (well I'm here aren't I?)
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Saturday, January 20, 2007

   Being grounded sucks!!
My mom decided to be evil and ground me from the computer. But I'm at the neighbors house and the kiddes are asleep! MWAHAHAHA!!!
>:0 Dounut man thinks I'm oh so very evil. XD

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Thursday, January 18, 2007

So grades weren't to bad. Well Bio is, kinda, but no final for that. Same with english, but if I redo my paper it should be good... I just pray to god that my arents dont miracuosly discover the portal... that'd be bad... reaaaaaaaaallllllllly bad...


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   Oh yeah
Writers block sux!! Any suggestions? on how to get rid of it anyways... yeah I'm gonna go check my grades now... I have a feeling I may pee my pants after I see them... but whatever...
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My brain is melting, I can't handle all this stress... I swear I'm gonna fail all y classes cause of finals... well at least history, maybe spanish...the rest I'm okay on. -_- I wish we didn't have to take them, t'd make life so much easier. I know lets all boycott! CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE!!
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Wednesday, January 17, 2007

   La la laaaaaaaa
I dont have much to say... for some odd reason I'm hyper right now... which is odd because I only got about four hours of sleep last night...lack of scentence structure yay! XD Okay yea I'll stop being wierd now...I guess... Oh yes, meet DOUNUT MAN!!


I was on yahoo trying to type the evil face and this accidentalyy happeend... I called him dounut man cause he looks like an evil popo eating a dounut.... XD XD XD

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Sunday, January 14, 2007

Chaos I loved that comment, Dont call him that... something about fetal postition... heh.^^ Made me laugh, I agree, but I couldn't think of anything else to call "Him" right then...
Anyway nothing much to say today.
We took the dogs to the groomers, now they smell nice and are fluffy and cuddley. So much better that way. XD

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Saturday, January 13, 2007

   Oh yeah
"lust" told me I'm to plain to be a writer. Dammit I don't care if you do think my writing sucks, will someone hit him for me because that pissed me off, weather he was right or not, thats not something you say to people. Talk about crushing dreams. Ass hole. -_-
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