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myOtaku.com: water fox

Monday, April 30, 2007

   For those of you who think I'm on drugs...
I just might be. I wonder sometimes, I mean maybe I do it subconciously, without even knowing... O_O now that would be entertaining XD
Guess what? I DIDN"T HAVE TO GO TO SCHOOL TODAY, AND I WASN'T EVEN SICK!! XD We moved last night and I had dance competition all weekend so I got like all of 6 hours of sleep friday and saterday night together. Then last night we didn;t finish till like midnight and my mom was like "I'm proud of you. You helped alot and you did good at competition. Good job you dont have to go to school tommorow." XD For once I was happy with my mother, what a strange feeling o_O

Sorry I missed your b-day Chaos. :( My mom wouldn't let me go between packing and competition. Happy late birthday anyways.

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