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Thursday, August 23, 2007

Well, 4 days until school starts
Oh well, and I just started watching Shippuden and Fooly Cooly. *adds those 2 animes to favorites* I finished watching the Air Movie. It's based on the series, but nowhere near as good. The drawings aren't as good as the series, and 3 of the main characters are given 2 second bit parts, (actually one appears more often, but she still has a bit part nonetheless, and one of the character's role is different, which makes it weird. Oh well, it was still good.

Fooly Coooly is weird. In my opinion the dub is better, which also makes it weird. But it's hilarious, and funny. People say they don't know what's going on. I don't know why they say that, it's weird, but everything seems to flow together.

Shippuden is awesome. It's better than the first series. I liked in the first episode where Naruto and Sakura meet their formal selves. Younger Naruto: Oh you must have learned so many new techniques, I'm cool 2 and a half years from now"
Older Naruto: "Was I really that annoying?"

I can't believe Gaara is Kazekage! And I saw what happens between Gaara and Deidra :'( I hope he's okay!

And the way Sakura and Naruto steal the bells from Kakashi! Man, that was hilarious! Spoilers always come in handy! Now they're TEAM KAKASHI!
I also like the ending. I haven't seen any other opening or ending beside the firsts. The opening is also pretty cool.

I also joined DeviantART, so I'll be doing that. I uploaded a picture used in my Japanese opening of Avatar. Here it is
New mo-mo by ~RandomAvatarFan on deviantART

I'm gonna post some more. MY deviantART account is RandomAvatarFan, the same as my Youtube/Veoh account. I'm also going to change the theme soon, this time it's definably gonna be Air. My little sister is starting to watch it. So sad, yet so good.

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Friday, August 17, 2007

Band Camp ended!
Aww, and it'll be about 2 more weeks, before we go back to band so :'( Fortunately, big party to all who can come to my house September 21st for the Avatar Premiere. Cosplaying contest, so come in costume! Also with a lot of solos in Jazz Band, I got to get practicing. Sorry I haven't been on latlely. I gotta get back into the habit, but school is coming up so I don;t know. We come back August 27th. During the last half hour we saw the High School band practice. It was cool. One of my friends said he was gonna quit after this year, so he won't be in the high school band, but, he has his reasons. I personally can't wait to get to that point. It looks fun, even if it is more work than what we do.

Well I'm defenatly getting to everyones site today, so yeah

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Monday, August 13, 2007

oh yeah, and musikfest was awesome, and band was nice! And tomorrow I'll be going to my friend's house, and I installed a mod for Morrowind making me play for the 6th house (the evil people) and I'm still working on the Japanese opening for avatar. Dagoth UR!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh yeah, and I've been going on Avatarspirit forums more often. IN the Pai sho boards, there's these fun games, which are really cool.

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Sorry haven't been on!
Well, let's see, band, band, band, hit in the head, band, solo, solo, solo, band, jabbed in the stomach, band, band, metor shower, band, Musikfest! and that was it! Oh and Kuztara! Maybe I should make Kuztara my next theme.... uh-oh, here we go again
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Tuesday, August 7, 2007

   Band! Japan! Action!
Uh, well, I'm in the um... "process" of "downloading" the "japanese" opening to Avatar. Uh...yeah.

The votes are in, and 50% says it should be FullMetal Alchemist, so here it is. Thanks for voting to the 4 people who voted.

Anyway, yesterday was my first day of Band, and it was awesome, and like I saw all my friends again, and we played some old songs (rambles on for about an hour) and today we had Full Band, and Jazz Band, and we got play Moondance, and I have the solo (rambles on some more for another 3 hours) andthenandthenandthenandthenandthenandthen (I overheat and explodes) andthenandthenandthen......

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Saturday, August 4, 2007

Dreams, Summer, Air (and not in the way you think!)
Yes, well, if you know the virtual novel/manga/anime entitled "air" you may know what my subject is referrencing to, but unfortunatly, my subject it just a pun.

You see I have had a weird DREAM last night about school, and it as weird. I'm not gonna go into too much detail, but it does include getting schedules messed up, somehow going to the wrong homeroom, a surprise from my 6th grade math teacher, and djinn. Don't ask me where the djinn came from O_o

Yes, SUMMER is coming to an end. T_T I've been listening to Tori no Uta (Poem of a Bird....the opening to the anime Air) because, I don't know, it reminds me of summer. How I wish it would never end! School T_T

And as for Band, I have to make sure I have enough AIR in my lungs so I can play my wind instruments well (sax and oboe) Diaphragmatic breathing and all that. I hate breathing exerises

Another reference to air might be the fact that I've been watching Air again.

Yes, I love that anime. I want to get the game (also called the visual novel) but unfortunatly, I can't read japanese! But it's a blessing in disuise. I don't want to witness what happens again T_T. Yeah, I have been using the T_T alot. Yes. It's been a sad day for me.

Dream, Summer, Air is also the story arc sequence for the game/manga/anime "Air" (for those who do not know) Dream is where he meets everyone and tries to help them, Summer talks about the 1000 summers, and Kannabi no Mikoto (Kanna the winged being) and Air is the final story arc, but can't say much about that, so those who haven't seen this anime MUST SEE IT!

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Thursday, August 2, 2007

   Ahhh! My ears!
So, I needed some music and Summer is ending. Summer....Summer...Air. So I download the opening song from air. I downloaded the wrong one. It sounds almost MIDI, and then it goes all rock. The song was never meant to be Rock. And it sounds bad. Oh well. I got Asterisk and Requiem. I need more music ever since dad wiped the computer out.

Be sure to vote in the poll below!

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   New Theme time....and once again...you get to choose!

Get your own Poll!

Please! If you pick "other" please leave in a comment what this "other" should be!

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Tuesday, July 31, 2007

   What can a love for the song Asterisk, Screenshots of the first opening for Bleach, an anticipation for Avatar, and a generic picture editor create?
Not an elaborate hoax to fool the Avatar geeks, and trick the Bleach Fan Community if that's what your thinking. *Evil Laugh*
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Monday, July 30, 2007

   OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! San Diego Comic Con ATLA season 3!

OMG! Like Sokka's water tribe look! and Tao! at 1:34! That is TAO FROM THE NORTHERN AIR TEMPLE! and Roku? WHat's roku doing in the physical world? Did you hear what aang said? "I always knew I'd have to face the fire navy. Now I know I have to do it alone." and Katara "I will never turn my back on people I care about" and did you see Zuko. And..... OMG I can't take it in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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