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Bethlehem PA
Member Since
8th grader
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I'm still alive!! - 98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't copy and paste this into your profile
Anime Fan Since
Avatar started
Favorite Anime
Air, Avatar, Bleach, Da Capo, FLCL, Howl's Moving Castle, Konjiki no Gash Bell, Neon Genesis Evangalion, Naruto Shippuuden, Princess Monoke and Spirited Away
To become the #1 Avatar Fan (wait....I already am :-P)
Watching Avatar, biking, Video games (OddWorld rocks!)
Playing the oboe, and saxaphone,
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Thursday, May 3, 2007
Sorry, I don;t have much time again
So I have to get ready for tomorrow (I'm going to Baltimore at 5:30 am) I have to mow the lawn. So I'm sorry If I don't get to everyones site
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Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Oh...and one more thing
I'm thinking of a new theme.....what should it be?
Get your own Poll!
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ok, ok, so yes I know what I said Wednesday
But I decided to post yesterday and today. I never can stay mad at people long. Besides I bet the people who did comment want to know what's up with me.
So I have a concert tonite. Got ready. I have very little time before I have to go so forgive me if I don't get to your site today.
There was a bomb scare today. It wasn't during school hours, it was after school. We all had to evacuate the building and take all our stuff. (I left my oboe in my locker :-0!) I asked Mr. Alonzo if we still had the concert he said, "Assume we still have it unless you get a phone call" So I'm trying to keep the phone lines clear until we have to go.
Well, Tuesday has come and gone so that leave Wednesday and Thursday. 2 more days until I leave for Baltimore. I can't wait until we get to Medieval Times! I've heard so much good things about it, esp. the jousting tournaments (which reminds me, I have to start getting people together to start a fencing club at our school for next year) and their food is supposed to be great (even if you can't eat all of it, or eat it period- the portions are huge and you don't get silverware)
Well that's about it for today.
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Saturday, April 28, 2007
I'm very dissapointed in all of you...
only 4 people commented last week. One of them included myself. Thank you for those who really are my frineds an understood how we needed to help her. But to the rest of you, Shame! Shame Shame Shame!
Anyway for those who truly care about me:
Yesterday was the 27th and unfortuantly there was no new episode of Avatar. I cried myself to sleep. Mom was wondering why I didn't look to well, like I was sick.
Well a week from yesterday and I'll be going to Baltimore for a while. May 4th we leave at 5:30 to go, and we start heading home around 8:00 may 5th but we'll probably come back around 2 in the morning (which is actually May 6th)
Well I know I wasn't going to post another post until more people would comment, but no one ever did except the 3 loyal friends of mine. (thank you) But I figured I should at least tell them how things are going before they think I fell of the face of the earth.
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Wednesday, April 25, 2007
I will not add another post...
Until almost everyone on my list of friends comments on Mondays post
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Tuesday, April 24, 2007
I'm emo around the edges

Oh yeah, please comment yesterday's post...I need my friend's mom to realize the consequences of taking away Manga/Anime from someone's life for any reason and for any amount of time!
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Monday, April 23, 2007
Apart from having my tooth pulled today, something worse happened!
One of my friends, (who unfortunately has not been able to sign up with theO although she really wants to)just told me she was grounded until we get our report cards. And you know what she's being grounded from? Any form of Anime or Manga! I cried, another one of my frineds gave her some Naruto manga that she can sumggle into and out of the house. I need comments from everyone, so I can print it out and she can read to her mom just how important manga and anime is! Please comment ASAP!
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Sunday, April 22, 2007
Let's see, I went to church, and that was about it. how was your day?
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Saturday, April 21, 2007
MY weekend so far
Let's see...
Friday night- I didn't update you on my concert so here I go: In some ways we did better, what we messed up on this first time was good, but what we did fine with got messed up. We had to play everything quicker so we had time for the acknowledgments and the handing of the awards and the gifts to the directors and all the speeches made by the 8th grade students, and man, during those speeches, it makes you wish like you didn't sit in the center of the stage- the spotlight still gets in your eyes even if there's 20 people standing in front of you.
After the concert, my mom was supposed to pick me up, but she went out shopping with my aunt and forgot about me and didn't pick me up until 15 minutes after the show.
Then I didn't know my aunt had a new car and so I was so confused when my mom opened the door to some weird car, and was wondering where we were going.
Today- not much. I partook in the Spoils tournament again, and the only round I won was because I won by default, the other guy was there for the 1st and last, but not for the 2nd round. Dunno why. But I lost the other 2 rounds. I probably should have went with gearsmith instead of banker. (different decks)
I wasn't feeling well today (no that's not why I lost)BUt I think that's because my allergies caused mucus to go down into my stomach so I feel like I'm gonna throw up soon, and because the allergy medicine makes me drowsy, which goes on to my next topic
I had a dream about stuff. It started out playing Abe's Oddesy, but somehow it turned into the funeral of:
1.a voice actor, whose name I could only write and pronounce in the dream.
2. Toph Beifong
3. Gaara
Don't ask me why, especially the last one because I really don't like Naruto, but somehow the death of Gaara, Toph, and the VA somehow got tied in with my dream. And when I found out the news I was into tears, and then I felt sick. Very sick. And I woke up and I still felt sick.
I have weird dreams, which leads on to my question:
What was the weirdest dream you had?
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Friday, April 20, 2007
Sorry about yesterday
I had to get ready for the concert last night ASAP, but today, I have some time.
Let's see...
Yesterday, my band concert. I messed up pretty badly, but the unfortunate (the fact that our auditorium has horrible acoustics) actually helped (no one could heal me come in half a beat early, or played a C instead of a Bb when my finger slipped)
Today- We had a lock down. You see my school (the middle school) is right next to the high school which is right next to the Vo-Tech. And someone brought a bomb to the Vo-tech and Vo-tech, the high school, and my school, all went under lock down. Windows were sealed, after school activities (chess club :-( ) were cancelled. NO one was alowwed in the halls except between classes.
Tonight- My band concert.
Does anyone have any info on the premiere date of Season 3 of Avatar?
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