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Bethlehem PA
Member Since
8th grader
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I'm still alive!! - 98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't copy and paste this into your profile
Anime Fan Since
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Favorite Anime
Air, Avatar, Bleach, Da Capo, FLCL, Howl's Moving Castle, Konjiki no Gash Bell, Neon Genesis Evangalion, Naruto Shippuuden, Princess Monoke and Spirited Away
To become the #1 Avatar Fan (wait....I already am :-P)
Watching Avatar, biking, Video games (OddWorld rocks!)
Playing the oboe, and saxaphone,
Friday, May 11, 2007
Sorry I haven't been on in a while
I didn't feel like being social for the past week...I'll explain later
Let's see my week:
Monday: the second to last chess club meeting :-(
Tuesday: was called an a-hole by someone I used to consider a friend. He has been mean to me during the last quarter, but normally I could shrug it off, however this time, I asked to change my lunch seat. (We had to sit in the same spots we were in since the first day...which was next to him) Also- last orchestra practice. We listened to the tapes of us and the judges comments during the band trip
Wednesday: that same kid started saying stuff about my friends. Blew up in his face. He's lucky I didn't give him a black eye. Last Band practice. Same thing as orchestra practice. Today was going to be our last risk club (a.k.a chess club) meeting, however due to parent meetings was moved to friday
Thursday: Went to MY sisters very last band concert. She is a senior this year, and even though she was sick, she went. After the Stars and Stripes Forever (which, according to the program, was supposed to be the last song) Mr. Moran (the High School Band Director) decided to have them play "The Instant Concert" which was 2 lines of every song that's normally played at concerts. (i.e. They played The British Grenadiers then went to Jingle Bells then went to the Can-Can then went to Starts and Stripes then went to Sleigh Ride then went to this one, which I forget the name of but is very familiar)
After that Surprise Concert, they started playing a song, which I really don't know the real name of but they call it "Easton" This is because they play it during football games, however they stole it from Easton. It's a nice song, and during the begging while the percussin and lower brass are doing their thing, the other musicians swing their instruments forward and saying "Whoo!" and once they start playing they swing their instruments right then left then right then left etc. until they go back to just the percussion and lower brass and then the other musicians once again swing their instruments forward and saying "Whoo!"
That last song wasn't plan and Mr. Moran yelled at them for playing it, but everyone loved it.
Friday: last risk club meeting. One of my friends says he'll have it at his house, possibly even through summer vacation :-)
Saturday: Tomorrow I'm going someplace with my dad, possibly New York City. Can't wait!
Sunday: The Usual (Church, Grandparent's house)
That was my week and going to be my weekend. As you can see because of what happened Tuesday and Wednesday, I didn't feel like doing anything social. Basically, I just played Sonic the Hedgehog. (The originals for my Sega Genesis) A game that requires no thinking what-so-ever, a game that I didn't need to talk to other people or anything.
Oh yeah, next year is my 8th grade year, last year in the Middle School.
So I;m faced with a dilemma...a few actually.
First Dilemma:
Spirit of Bethlehem (S.O.B)
S.O.B replaces the Social Studies Class. It is a Community Service program, which my brother did. It seems like a lot of fun, and a lot of help, not only to yourself but the community. You see a lot of all around better people leave the Middle School after they took S.O.B
Harmonium is a performing arts program. I forget if it takes up your whole curriculum like Nature Quest or Monogacci does for 7th grade, 0r if it just takes up your elective space during the day.
There's 3 classes and you can't be in more than 2. 1. Instumental 2. Vocal 3. Guitar.
If I join I'm only gonna do Instrumental, I can't sing well, and I can't play guitar well (even though you don't need any experience)
My sister was in it and she had a lot of fun, and she says that everyone became like family. I would like that, plus I LOVE playing my oboe and saxophone.
But I can't decide!!!!!!!!!!
Dilemma 2:
If I don't join Harmonium, whether or not I get in S.O.B, I still have to pick electives...which actually, I already did. Oops, I guess it's not a dilemma anymore. I can only be in 2 electives even though they want to you put 5 down on the paper.
Here's my list
1. Theater
2. Drawing
3. Photography
4. Engineering Concepts through Creative Car Desgin (what a long name...can't fit on the line!)
5. Pen and Ink Drawing.
If I get in Harmonium I can't do electives, however if I'm in S.O.B or in the regular curriculum I still have to pick them, if not they get picked for me.
Also as an 8th grade Band Member...
Band Officers!
Drum Major
Vice Pres.
For Pres, Vise, Secretary, and Treasurer, those officers are elected next school year.
However Drum Majors have to tryout. If I don't make it, I'm running for band president. I have to get a whistle.
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