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Bethlehem PA
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8th grader
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I'm still alive!! - 98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't copy and paste this into your profile
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Air, Avatar, Bleach, Da Capo, FLCL, Howl's Moving Castle, Konjiki no Gash Bell, Neon Genesis Evangalion, Naruto Shippuuden, Princess Monoke and Spirited Away
To become the #1 Avatar Fan (wait....I already am :-P)
Watching Avatar, biking, Video games (OddWorld rocks!)
Playing the oboe, and saxaphone,
Monday, July 30, 2007
Argh! I couldn't get on!
Sorry I haven't been on. From power outages to surprise trips, to movie premieres and book releases to viruses, I've not been able to get on. :-(
Let's see, about a week or so ago, we went to Lost river caverns. It was cool, but I've been there before. Yeah, I like geology and all that, but it's not the same the second or so time you go. Later we went out to eat and went to the Boyd Theatre to watch Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. I was kind of disappointed that certain things were cut out, but it's an 800 page book, it was better than previous movies *cough* Prisoner of Azkaban *cough* (well compared to the book it was pretty bad) Then about a week later, mom, Mary, and I dressed up as Molly, Ginny, and Ron Weasly and went to Moravian Book Store, which changed it's signs that night to read "Flourish & Blotts" There was trivia "Name a spell that was written in the Half Blood Prince's potion book" "What are the objects Voldemort put parts of his soul into called?"
"What are threshals?"
There was also special postcards, mimbulus nimbeltonia pus, and at midnight, the handing out of the books! Yes, the lines were seperated. A-G, H-O, M-Sn, Sm-Z, but even so we were last in line, actually 2nd to last, a guy came up behind us. We talked to the people in front and behind us about theories, endings (because rumor had it that the last word would be "scar" so we made up our own endings, with the last word being "scar")
After finishing reading it, I wanted to post, because I haven't posted in a while, but then, we get a virus. A few actually. Most of them were on my screen, because that's the screen my dad was downloading the program with the virus. One was this weird virus that infected every file, another would go around worming into other users screens. My dad told us not to go on at all until it gets fixed. He tried all different programs, McAfee, AOL security center, Spybot Search & Destroy, CA, Control Center. We thought we had it with the last 2 programs, but they didn't get a big one. We finally had to wipe out our whole computer. We just got it back on, but there's only a handful of programs. All the music, all my games, all of dad's photoshop programs. Ahh well, at least our identities weren't stolen. He spent almost 2 weeks trying to fix this.
Well, I would like to talk about Harry Potter, but unfortunately, I can't, not sure who has read it, so if you have PM me!
I'm going to do my best to make it all up to you!
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