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myOtaku.com: Waterflash

Tuesday, September 23, 2003

   YAY! It's finally over with!
I'm soooo incredibly happy right now, I'm could scream! For a few reasons.

A. Finally five days are up... *does the happy dance*

B. I'm getting straight A's in all of my classes!

C. I got two new mangas, and three other books.

D. I might be able to switch classes and get out of that horrible science class...

Sorry for the lack of posts in the past few days. I've been feeling like shit for the past few days (I'll give ya three guesses why.)

I finally got enough money to get the Chobits manga! OMG it was so funny! I'm for sure going to get the next volumes as soon as I can save up enough money. I guess you could say I have the same problems as Hideki.

I let one of my friends borrow it, and she said something to me after she read the part where Hideki turns Chii on. She said "THIS IS WRONG!" pause... "PLEASE BRING IT TOMORROW!"

I might add something later, but I'm gonna go eat some pizza...

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