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myOtaku.com: WaterNinjaMai

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I am Mai Kasumackae! Water ninja of the leaf village! I love Sasuke and he loves me!!
I am also a totally awesome pirate aboard my British war ship, THE AQUA DEMENTOR!! I rock on my soccer team, Explosion Gold. My team has been undeafted for 13 seasons. I am in love with the anime Naruto! I love to draw them, and watch them.

Monday, August 13, 2007

I haven't posted any of my anime art yet but i plan on soon. i have a soccer tournament on Friday the 17. so im excited about that. my life is pretty much boring. at soccer practice last week, i beat these girls who practice on the same field as us. its an accomplishment to me beacuse im 12 and they are 14. so im happy.
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