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myOtaku.com: WatersRequiem

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Guestbook Entries:

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Greenday2747 (06/02/06)

awesome site.your backround looks great!well i`ll see ya around.take care.


somegirl (05/24/06)

Hey! Awesome site, really cool!
omg finally another FLCL fan! lol awsome! i don't see many people are anymore with that type of theme, i only keep a stand alone complex one because like no one knows about it and i'm trying to get a few people intrested lol^^
*gets idea for a new theme* k! lol

awsome background! love it! and your song too! ride on a shooting star totally rocks, "come down's" not too bad but i love "beautiful morning with you" lol

Hope you stop by some time and say hi or something lol

Well see ya around, later
Jade- who can�t make up her mind what color to sign this in�

�You're Hispanic. You speak Spanish. You're doing ethnic jokes. Taco Bell is one of your first targets.� ~Carlos Mincia

-.- I spent 20minutes finding stuff to put on here�. I gave up�..

wolf of sorrow (05/21/06)

cool site

pootytang12 (12/08/05)

haha, nice site. you signed my gb a while ago, and i just now cheked it XD like how the image cuts off right before the panties on your bg. ^^ i likey your sitey!!

SugarCone (08/21/05)

Nice site, I say we start an anti chain mail club, I get over 50 a day from all types of sad people, so annoying!

DoOpyKun (08/14/05)

HELLOXD i say hihi!^^ eeh *friieennddd*


SumoSamurai (08/08/05)

Ah yea, forot you sign your guestbook. Just gave a comment about Guild Wars. Anyways......cya.

Maiden of life (08/01/05)

Wow awsome site!!! luv ur bg and fmp avi it's sooo cool^^ Hope you come 2 my site sometime. I'm adding u as a friend.


fruitcrazy (08/01/05)

your site is totally awesome!!!! The BG is really cool to! May I add you as a friend!!??

inuyashasbaby13 (07/30/05)

Hey there i saw what u said!!I feal the same but i could not find an icon of him!!-_-;;; i was bumbed!

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