yo yo yo yo yoooo!
What up duuuuuudes!?!?
My name is Weirdo Kid! But you may call me...uh...Weirdo!
My fovorite animes are...
Yu Yu Hakusho
Rurouni Kenshin

and Dragon Ball Z!

Thursday, March 17, 2005
Okay, In chorus we have to do this little song-realted commercial thing. Here's ours.
Me: Man, this Dynamite Light sticks!
Peirce: Here, Ridge, try this Exploditode Light!
Me: Thanks, Peirce! This rocks!
Ryan: *enters* What rocks?
Me: Here! Try thise Exploditode Light!
Ryan: Wow, thanks! This is the SHIZZLE NIZZLE!
Peirce: Wait! There's more! If you read the label, it says "If three people share this drink, Their hearts will explode!
All: COOL!
*Everyone has seizures*
Pierce: Warnnig- This drink has all natural ingeriends, besides gunpowder, and alchohol.
*Everyone has seizures*
Chorus: *singing* Exploditode Lite! THe best thinkg since Dynamite Lite! ~Da du du~
...ok thats all. Got to go to dinner now.
Weirdo Kid
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Wednesday, March 16, 2005
Today was a booger day. All I heard a was booger. My friend wiped booger on me. My girlfriend called me a booger. I don't even have a girlfriend. My teacher said I was the biggest booger of all. But really my firend Peirce is the biggest booger of all.
The End.
Okay, my day wasn't that good. Just a normal day. I didn't get any assignments. I just had a regular normal day. My friends gave me a ton a candy today.
Thats all that really happened.
Hope you read this.
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Saturday, November 13, 2004
was boring. I woke up, I went to my basketball game. We won. I guess that was the highlight of my day. And then, we came-well to my...never mind...We came home, and then we went to some musical event, I guess that was cool. We stayed home, some girls put some make-up on my face...so that wasn't fun...And now, I'm sitting here talking yo you all! ^_^ Yeah!
Uzali-dono: Hi! *waves*
I will be up all night if anybody needs me.
Good...bye! *makes strange noises*
--weirdo kid--
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Friday, November 12, 2004
My First Post!
Hello! Meh name is Ridge! I am having my friend, Uzali-dono-
Uzali-dono: Hiya! ^_^ *waves*
Do all my work for me.
Uzali-dono: Yup...I'm typing right now...
Uzali: So...do you want them to tell about your day or something?
I dunno...say anything you want...say something stupid...
Uzali: ...k...*thinks* Okay, now I can't think of anything noooow...
*drinks milk*
v_v Anywho, this weirdo here is staying here for today and tommorow, because his mom went to Chicago. (don't know why, she just did) I guess thats all to say for now...
You are the weakest link!
--weiro kid--
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