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annoying my teachers, parents, and those i don't care for 24-7
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wouldn't you like to know
first chair flute player, captain of a puppet team
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D.Gray Man, full metal alchemist, naruto, fruits basket, dnangel, demon diaries, serenity
be a teacher in either history or music. I really don't know. plus i want to get better as an artist
playing music from my favorite anime and talking with mi amigos
great flute, piccolo, and front ensemble player
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Ice Cream and Perverts and Snakes, Oh my!
CCR: Kyarri was going to put this up on her site a few nights ago, but she hasn’t had the time lately, so she gave me he written copy of the post so I could put it up here and on my site as well. So, here’s the first of our combined posts that will be on both of our sites! ^^
Saturday, December 8, 2007 - approx. 4:30 pm, the mall
CCR: man, am I glad I don’t plan on having dinner tonight! I’m probably almost to my calorie limit for the day as it is!
Ren: if you’re that concerned about it, then why did you offer to treat us all to ice cream at Dairy Queen?
CCR: I don’t know, it’s almost become a tradition to do so whenever I come to the mall. It’s like my family’s tradition of stopping by the DQ down the street from the temple every year when we go to see the temple Christmas lights.
Welive: OMG LMNOP! I just realized that the sweet treats I left out for the guys have milk in them! Is that ok?
CCR: I don’t think Ed will mind… Ren-Ren, are you okay?
Ren: *grinning evilly*
Welive: Ren… you are scaring me!
Neji: the sugar is kicking in, isn’t it?
Welive: yep yep yep! Hey, they have D. Gray-Man 7!
CCR: imalreadyatthecheckoutline!
Welive: so Ren, is this payment enough? ^^
Ren: I suppose…
Welive: ok, what else do you want? I couldn’t go make cookies in fear of what Envy did to the oven… speaking of which, I wonder what they are doing?
*Ed and Envy are duking it out in welive’s backyard, until…*
“What was that for – “ *Gets kicked where the sun don’t shine… by Linalee*
Jun: nice!
Linalee: thanks! ^^
Zelgadiss: about time someone did something…
Kanda: I’m surrounded by idiots! *Boom*
Deidara: hehe! Bye bye oven!
Back to the mall
Neji: eh, it shouldn’t be too bad…
CCR: and if they try anything, I’m pretty confident Zel would take care of it.
Welive: true. Ryoko! The fat man’s looking here! *Cries in Neji’s shoulder* (A/N: for those who don’t know, she’s referring to Santa Claus)
CCR: huh… should we run the risk of getting arrested and pull his beard off…?
Ren: no. I would rather not have to bail you out, and I’m sure Neji feels the same.
Neji: I don’t think it would end well with the cops if I saw Kyarri-chan in jail.
Welive: eh?
Ren: same… and in the process, Ryoko may very well end up in China. We’d probably have to hide for a while…
Welive: O.o don’t take Ryoko away! TT_TT
CCR: Daijobu da yo. I don’t think my mom nor my grandpa would let that happen. If anything, we’d hide on the school’s campus!
Ren: *smacks his forehead in frustration*
Welive: Ren-Ren what’s wrong?
Ren: …it’s nothing. And don’t call me that!

Welive: ack! I’m sorry! *hides behind Neji*
Neji: come on! Give her a break! She didn’t mean it!
CCR: don’t worry; he does that to everyone who calls him that (even me…)
welive: o-okay. *Sniff sniff* there are scary elves in here! Can we go into another store now?
1 hour later
welive: AHHH! I got the SNAKE B******!!!! … new present for my brother!
Ren: that’s mean, don’t you think?
Neji: not really. He likes anything Naruto.
CCR: well, you have one thing checked off your to-do list! ^^
Welive: yep yep! I called mom about the present and I heard someone say “eat this” and then, “Why did you throw the pie?” Should I be worried?
CCR: so what are we going to do about the loc- can we move somewhere else? I’m getting tempted by the Cinnabon over there.
Welive: Let’s go!
30 mins later
welive: yay! Asian locket! Neji, your pic is going in there!
Neji: >//>
CCR: you know, for a split second I thought they had just put on Naruto music, but it’s just one of the Beach Boys’ Christmas songs…
Ren: it takes someone as obsessive as you to notice those things.
CCR: ooh! The rhinestones on my watch sparkle when I move it into a certain light!
Welive: hehe!
Neji: baka!
Welive: leave me alone! :p
CCR: … that security officer up there keep looking at us. It’s creeping me out… Ren, you didn’t –
Ren: don’t look at me, I don’t even have it out.
Welive: where? I didn’t do it! TT__TT
Ren: he’s gone now; probably got called to another part of the mall.
Neji: either that or donut break!
CCR: lol.
Welive: ooh! Text! *reads* Ed just found out the cake had milk in it and is using it as a weapon of mass destruction. OoO TT_TT
CCR: he is so going to get it when we get home!
Neji: Ren, it’s not that funny!
Ren: what?
Welive: oh. The guy behind us was laughing Neji! Let’s go look around some! I bet we cam find something at Bath and Body works!
CCR: ok! ^^
1 hour later
welive: that was *eyes widen* RUN FOR IT!!!
CCR: wha – O________O REN, PUT THE KWAN DAO AWA, WE’RE IN PUBLIC! On top of that, this place is crawling with security!
Ren: but –
CCR: no buts, I’d rather not see you incarcerated for life!
Ren: O///o *puts his Kwan Dao away and Bason goes back into his mortuary tablet*
Welive: Neji! Just stock with me, I feel safer!
Neji: but I promised I would kill the pervert the next time I saw him!
CCR: good, he’s gone…
Ren: about time.
Neji: you ok? *Hugs welive*
Welive: *clinging to him* yes! T_T I didn’t want to see him! *text sound* Uo: are you almost done? Kanda’s ready to kill Lavi, Envy and Ed are blowing stuff up, and Itachi wants to strangle Deidara.
CCR: V.V; great, just what we need.
Ren: heh. Looks like Pailong’s not the only one that’s got it in for Lavi.
Welive: wait there’s more… They did WHAT with my sticks?!
Neji: don’t want to know.
Welive: eh? Oh, phew! I thought he came back.
Neji: we better get ready to go then, just in… oh great, snake sanin is here too.
Ren: *takes his Kwan Dao back out and has it ready, oversoul and all*
CCR: oh great…
Welive: T_T here it goes! Hey MJ! Peep this! *Flips him off* I told you to leave me alone!
Kabuto: we’re not here for you today! We’re going for this guy *shows pic of the perv from earlier*
CCR & welive: … that way.
Ren: by the way… *points the tip of his Kwan Dao at Orochimaru* if you EVER come anywhere near her *points to CCR* I won’t hesitate to use this on you…
Neji: I already warned you once. *Uses gentle fist* now suffer! *Hits the snake*
Orochimaru: argh! Like I said, we didn’t come for you to - *welive drops a muffin and kicks him* o.o okay, I understand! *Leaves*
Back at the car
Welive: oh good Lord! Winry’s not going to be happy!
Neji: back to reality…
Ren: good, more time without the Fullmetal Shrimp around.
Neji: looking at Envy, he’s going to be out for a while. Sweet!
Welive: aww! Looks like this is your stop guys! See ya Monday!
CCR: k! Ja ne!
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